Where is 'Chaos' heard

Hi, can some very nice person please tell me where in the film the Herbert Grönemeyer song "Chaos" is heard? It's on the (excellent) soundtrack CD but I haven't yet spotted where it is in the film.

I apologise if it's horribly obvious! Just call me unobservant. :)



Is it possible it's just not in the film? I am told by a usually-reliable source that this can happen - either it just got stuck on the CD just because they liked it, or else it was in a part of the film that is now deleted? I've certainly failed to find it on yet another run through the film - I suppose it could be a very quick usage in a minor scene or something?? Any help please? :)


It can be faintly heard in the car when cassiel jumps through the sunroof of the car. Im a huge herbert groenemeyer fan, "kaufen" is great simple fun. Its great to see that other people love this movie. I saw and appreciated this film greatly when i was in middle school and havent watched it in over a year. What a shame.


Hi votomsotaku

Thanks very much for the reply. It's very kind of you.

I checked and looked a bit more and actually that is not quite right, or not on my DVD anyway - the car scene (an excellent moment!) is accompanied by, I think, by "Call Me" by the House of Love.

However (small fanfare!) I *have* now found where the Grönemeyer track is played - this is in the scene where Peter Falk is trying to get the (somewhat lost) taxi driver to take him to an address in East Berlin. Rummelsbergstrasse (?) or something I think. It's very brief AND quiet - it's just because the driver has it on his radio, I think - but it's there!

On one of the websites Wenders comments that the song had a better place in the film in a scene that was then cut, and sounds a bit apologetic, as well he might, for this pretty brief exposure! However, it is what got me into Grönemeyer's music (finding it on the soundtrack album even though I could not find it in the film) so I cannot complain. I went to the last concert of the "Mensch" tour in Düsseldorf and it was fantastic!

Thanks again for your help.

