The film is dumb as hell....
A serious of scenes at the 40% point of the film basically ruin it for me. Let me explain.
1. Mitch is at the bank talking with chubby. She's way too nosy and talkative and the supposedly super hyper intelligent Mitch makes up where he is from when asked. Why? Being from wherever would in no way clue anybody in that he is an assassin. Lying where he is from could create some suspicion.
So this super wise, super intelligent man goes full retard and not only claims to be from a town he knows nothing about but makes up a name of a high school even after she just said she is from there.
2. The dog scene. A candidate for dumbest scene in movie history. Mitch now has to kill chubby after lying to her about being from Minneapolis. He charms his way into her apartment only to find she is not alone. She has a roommate and a 100 lb German Shepard. But it is ok the dog is tied up just enough to not be able to bite him and combat him in any way. WTF? The dog tied inside the apartment! And when these women realize how evil Mitch is and that he is trying to snap their necks. Look he just snapped my roommate's neck! Never occurred to either girl to run and move to the safety of the dog!
So this super stealth super intelligent man snaps the necks of 2 women leaving a frantic and loud barking dog and plenty of noise. Does that make any sense? It is an important scene because it is supposed to advertise this man's ruthless viciousness. It is comical.
3. The love scene. After all this flirting and teasing the viewer knows that Frank and Lilly are going to be in bed eventually. That's how these movies work. So they do where we hear the sounds of hot passionate jungle sex going on only to be interrupted by a phone call. There we see Frank and Lilly in bed fully clothed. Even Clint has a shirt on.
Oh yeah real hot. Like a Doris Day scene from a 50s. It's just so lame.
There is so much more of course. The idiot phone calls to Clint. The self righteous preaching. The Phony patriotism. A president and first lady that you really care nothing about.
Just not a good film.