About this movie ...

One thing I really like about this movie is that it stays entertaining until the end. There are a lot of funny movies that I really like in the first half, but don’t like in the second half because the story gets boring or the gags don’t work as well.

An example for me is Young Frankenstein by Mel Brooks. Up until the moment the monster comes to life, I find the movie funny. Fast and good gags, a great atmosphere. After that, the movie slows down, the gags are not so funny anymore, and not much happens.

Another example is Monty Python and the Holy Grail. In the first half, the story has a good pace and good gags. In the second half, there are still good gags, but also many scenes that I find too slow and drag out the story too much.

But Groundhog Day I can watch completely without getting bored at any point, without wanting to skip some scenes.
