A Parody?

I remember a long time ago, a friend told me that she had once seen a parody of Willy in The Simpsons; which was a Simpson boy shouted out "FREE WILLY!" and then an orca landed out of nowhere and crushed him.
Is there truly a parody of that?




oh yes



the simpsons did a parody on Free Wily...the movie was already a hit in theatres and probably on vhs by the time that episode came on. they were only making a joke. there was not a movie made based on a simpsons quote. they've also had moe smuggling a killer whale on an episode and i think another when the whale is in the back of his tavern being sprayd by a couple of people(although i think it may have been the same episode)

rice 259



Wasn't there another parody where Lisa freed one of the dolphins from the zoo and it leaped over the barrier and smacked her in the face with its tail? I think that was a Halloween episode. The dolphins banded together and vowed revenge on the human race.

"Oh, sugar...you just gone and done the dumbest thing in your whole life..."

