the necklace

well ever since i was a kid i have loved the movies, this movie made me love killer whales since then every school project has been about orcas lol. Well anyways to make a long story short i remembered that necklace they advertised at the end of the movie i've looked everywhere for it! does anyone know where i can find/buy it?


they gave away the necklace in the vhs of the 2nd one


I have one somewhere


Me too, though I have no idea where.



yea i found it like a month ago sorry for not telling you guys but thanks alot!! o by the way domino29 by any chance do you have a RENT poster? I wa looking at your site:



I'm wearing it right now, and I got mine off ebay. Had to buy the VHS with it though.


Damned if I didn't just find out where all the necklaces have gotten too....

I do not like people who hoard things like this lol, although I'm sure there are thousands of these in land fills somewhere.


does anyone have any idea what type of Nikes Jesse wears in this film? It sounds dumb, but I remember getting a similar pair just after seeing this movie and have been trying to find a pair/find out what model they were and can't bloody remember! I've looked on various trainer sites, but I only ever get close, can't actually find the pair (either his or mine, lol). Massive props to anyone who can provide the answer!!


I have the necklace. yeah, It was in the VHS when I bought it. I bought it a week after it was officially released. this brings back memories. that things was my pride and joy back then.

Joker:They don't make straitjackets like they used to. I should know.


LOL Sara, same thing here.. I wanted them so much and I bought my most expensive shoes up to then.. I loved them.. but then they disappeared. I guess my Mom threw them away.. So.. interested as well.. but watching the movie right now.. maybe I'll find out..

EDIT: Okay.. easy for a sneakergeek like me.. They're Nike Force..
