I know somebody already asked about the necklace worn in this movie and where to find it but I cannot find it. I went on the website given in the other message but it doesn't have the necklace anymore. I've tried going on amazon and ebay but I cannot find it. Am I maybe typing the wrong thing in? I don't know. I'd really appreciate it though it if someone who knew how to obtain it would please reply back to me and tell me how to get it. And if u tell me its on a certain website please put a link or tell me what to type in once I'm o the site. Thank you ;)


I know when the movie first came out on VHS there was a VHS necklace combo. I am wearing mine as we speak lol:D You could probably find it on EBAY or something. I found it here


i had that necklace but don't remember where i put it. it came with the free willy 2 movie. because they were representing the plot of keiko the whale.


Argh! I had that necklace! But seeing as I was in my single digit years... Yarp, it's gone.

I woke with wings from lucid dreams
