Salana Ayoon Iasis?

How exactly do you spell it and what does it mean? I really need to know! Thank you!



They say in the movie what it means. I just dont remember what they say

I <3 Robert James Jaksa Jr


The correct spelling is: Salanaa Eiyung Ayesis and from the research I've done it has come to mean two things, in translation with the movie it means, Give This Animal Strength. In a more traditional translation, it means The Shadow of my Soul.

Hope this helps!


After researching, I found one spelling is "Salana eyuong ayessis"
Other sources cite the correct spelling as "Salanaa eiyung ayesis"

All I know is that it comes from a North American Indian tribal language (Haida)
You would need to find someone who speaks native Haida, to get accurate spelling and meaning.

I'm yet to discover the real meaning.
