MovieChat Forums > Free Willy (1993) Discussion > What does Jesse say???

What does Jesse say???

When willy is jumping over jesse in the first movie jesse says something like salana ejung eisses does somebody know exakly what he says and how to write it!?


Just watch the movie and put on captions :). I did that last time I saw it, and it turns out the real words were different than what I thought (instead of "Salana" I thought he was saying "Sonana" lol)

"Salana Aye-own Eye-essis" is what I have in my mind now. Not the correct spelling, just how I say/think it. If I had the movie, I'd check, but my VCR ate it years ago, so obviously I can't.

"Mares are from Venus, Stallions are from Mars, and Geldings are from Heaven."


I have the dvd so i look at at it and see

July 16 - Half Blood Prince
Aug 30 - Eldest


Hey, i was wondering the same thing as you, so i've done a little research. It appears that Jessy says "Salana aong iaces". If you wanna check, here's the web site where i found that out:
i still have no idea what it means but if i find it, i'll let you know. hope you got what you wanted :)



I've tried to find out what it means, and have even tried looking in online native american dictionaries but there are so many different 'tribes' and all....I am so desperate to find out what he is saying but I have given up now :-( At least we now know what he says though! :-)


God I haven't seen this movie since it was in the theatre but don't they explain it in the movie? Or do they just explain it and not give a literal translation?


God I haven't seen this movie since it was in the theatre but don't they explain it in the movie? Or do they just explain it and not give a literal translation?


God I haven't seen this movie since it was in the theatre but don't they explain it in the movie? Or do they just explain it and not give a literal translation?


this is the direct translation gotten from my native-american uncle :

"have a nice trip my friend, and bring back some fish for me will ya?"

now, shut it!



Unless you're uncle is Haida he would have no idea. The language is a dialect of Haida, and only about 40 people still speak haida, so this dialect would be hard to find. It actually means "Give This Animal Strength". This comes straight from the mouth of August Shelburg, the actor who played Randolf. You can email him at his website if you don't believe me. He answered me within about a day.


Jesse says: Salanaa Eiyung Ayesis.

It means: The Shadow of my Soul.


if u'd watched the whole movie and payed attention u couldve answered ur own question.


Salana Eiyun Aesis *spelling is wrong

You're just a wet blanket on my fire of fun!!


oh my god, i have wanted to know this since i was five! ive searched and searched and found nothing, dude you rock! well done.
just wish i knew what it meant though, lol.
well i'll find out one day!


Why would Jesse say that?


<<Why would Jesse say that?>>

if you actually watch the film you'll know why!! *rolls eyes*

love kady

"Jack you're a better man than that!"




"Salanaa eiyung ayesis"
I've heard it translated as "Anything is possible" and "Give this animal strength" but I cant guarantee that's correct.


if u'd watched the whole movie and payed attention u couldve answered ur own question.
I was such a bitch when I was younger. lol

I've never fooled anyone. I've let people fool themselves.
