Treating these beautiful creatures like are circus monkeys and making them do tricks to the public for food makes me angry.. Release them into the wild where they belong. Though as long as these beautiful whales are bringing in millions of dollars who cares right ? They are just whales with no feelings right ?
Orcas are not meant to be in captivity, they are meant to live in the deep blue ocean with there familys no matter what exscuse you find !
Orcas are more itelligent than a dog, but I would never treat my dog how Sea World treat there killer Whales !
PS.Sorry the trainer died at Sea World a couple of years ago, but imo I think the orca hit out in frustration being fed up trapped like a shark in a gold fish bowl.
If you will keep these beautuful, peaceful, intelligent ( but gigantic ) mammals locked up then you have to expect some pay back for how they are treated. They may be animals, but they have feelings. And I guess some days they just simply get fed up of being locked up and being forced to act to the publc just for our amusement.
Amen! But at the same time, it is too late for these Sea World guys, they had been so well accustom to being fed by hand that they would die in the ocean like Keiko. Plus the outside ocean world is far too messed up for them, they could be killed by whalers or boat propellers or worst what if they beached themselves? Unless Whalers are stopped and ended with their business then I wouldn't vote for the release of these orcas, I would how ever ask them to stop making them perform tricks to get food.
yeah i wanted to jump in the scene where the kids are tapping on the glass hurting poor Willy ears and say "What is wrong with Ya'll, can't you see your hurting him".
What happens at Sea World is NOTHING compared to Willy's situation in the movie. First of all, at Sea World, trainers work with the animals all day, training them and playing with them (using "environmental enrichment devices") to keep their minds activated and keep them from getting bored. Those shows are NOT cruel. They're stimulating. They give the whales an outlet for their incredible mental capacity. If they weren't trained and put on exhibition the way they are, they would be bored to death, and that would be true cruelty. So don't think for a second that Sea World is cruel because of their shows. Although I hate anthropomorphism, imagine that you lived in a confined area. Would you rather spend all day doing nothing, or spend your day with someone teaching you knew things and playing games?
Secondly, the pools that Sea World has for their whales is far larger than the one shown in Free Willy. Is it anything compared to the ocean? Of course not. But it's better than Willy/Keiko's situation. Not to mention at Sea World, whales are housed together, which is vital for their social health. Willy was alone, which was a major source of his "depression."
Thirdly, you have to remember that while yes, Sea World is a huge business and multi billion dollar company, it also does a lot to contribute to conservation and science, which it simply could not do without the funds. Many of the things we know about artificial insemination, animal behavior, and conservation ecology come from zoos and aquariums, which need the business aspect to make money to fund their projects. Because of sea World, we are able to use artificial insemination technology to actually increase wild whale populations. Also, keep in mind that most of the animals at sea world were born in captivity, and have never, nor could ever, be in the wild. It's important to keep in mind that the Sea World of today is not the Sea World of the 70's.
Is life in captivity good for animals? Well, there is the protection from the dangers of the wild but ultimately, probably not the best option for the individual animal. HOWEVER, just because it is not the better of two options, does not necessarily make it cruel. And ultimately, research that comes from zoos and aquariums will ultimately be responsible for saving the wild, if that is even possible. If you really want to go after animal abusers, put the irresponsible wild animal owners and dog fighters behind bars. Get whales, like Keiko, out of the dinky little roadside parks like the ones in Mexico. Put please don't think that every zoo and aquarium is like the one depicted in this movie. (Which is actually one of my favorite movies of all time...)
You're wrong, trust me. I could give you reasons why every single one of your points are false, but you probably won't see this, so I'll just say - you do know that SW actually helped keep Keiko in that tiny tank by supplying Reino Aventura with food for him (and cheep, un refridgeurated food that was going rotten).
Voldemort should have made Chuck Norris his Horcrux
You do know those shows actually hurt the animals right? They are incredibly sound sensitive creatures that are forced to parade in front of screaming crowds with blaring music. You also know that all the animals in SeaWorld are heavily medicated? They develop ulcers due to stress, and develop infections through their gums where their teeth need to be drilled out because they bite on the edges of their concrete prison and metal gates. Oh, also 2 whales in SeaWorld have died of West Nile virus, because the bugs can get to them because they engage in "logging" aka just laying around, something incredibly uncommon in wild orca. Also did you know seaworlds orcas die twice as quick as wild counterparts? Most of seaworlds orcas die before they hit 30, average orca lifespan in the wild is 50-70years.
My list could go on and on, but you my friend need to do research on this. Maybe look up a gentleman named Ric O'Barry, who was one of the worlds first dolphin trainers, who became an activist after realizing how captivity effects these animals in the long run.