MovieChat Forums > Free Willy (1993) Discussion > Jesse's mom - Spoilers

Jesse's mom - Spoilers

The film should have helped us understand the relationship between Jesse and his mom and explain why she left him. She could have been mixed up in drugs, alcohol, or sex, yet being a family film, Warner Bros. chose to talk down to kids and not tell them things they needed to know. So what could have been the problem with his mom, especially when we learn about her death in the sequel.


I'm sure you're the life of any party.



Just like I'm sure you're the one projectile vomiting due to too much alcohol. I agree with the OP. It's one thing to leave his history vague, but not to the point where it's like "Okay, so this kid is all alone in the world and that's all we're telling you".

I'm not psycho, just a little loopy.


I would rather hear about Willy's broken family.


As would I.

I'm not psycho, just a little loopy.


I hear his dad is a real dead-beat cetacean...


I hear she was into drugs, but that's just speculation ;)

I'm not psycho, just a little loopy.


Wtf? It was an honest question. It's normal to be curious about someone's background. Pull the stick out of your ass.



That would make sense, but then Jesse gets a little brother in the sequel who's maybe a year or two younger than him. So Jesse's mom gives him up, goes out and gets pregnant again a year or so later, only this time she keeps him?

"Without management, there is only chaos."
"Can we try the chaos thing?"


His brother was like, six years younger than Jesse. Jesse never even knew he existed until Dwight told him. If she had Jesse at say, 16, and then had Elvis at 22, that could make all the difference in her ability to take care of her kids.


Jesse told Willy, "My mom's in pain. She couldn't take care of me, or even herself." Sounds like depression, and maybe reliance on some drugs.


The message is precisely that, when a bad mother abandons her son, he shouldn't waste time looking for her, because she doesn't care for him at all.

Showing any scene about her or explaining why she did that, would just "explain too much". We know what Jess knows, she abandoned him and never came back.

There's a CG movie from Disney, with a genius kid who travels over time, that has the same message. He manages to go back in time and witnesses her leaving him. He had the chance to find her, even to confront her to ask why she did that or talk her into giving up. But he just lets her go without even seeing her face.
