MovieChat Forums > The Firm (1993) Discussion > Decent Movie, AWFUL Music

Decent Movie, AWFUL Music

Whoever gave the okay to allow the jangly piano score to crash and plow it's way through the movie should lose their job as a film score DECIDER! The music is so bad, so distracting and inappropriate that it makes sitting through an otherwise enjoyable movie very difficult.


While I agree, I think the whole point of the music was to be discordant with the feel of the film to make the audience more unsettled at everything that was happening.

IMO, it failed miserably.


If that, why did it get an Oscar nomination (The score was eh, so-so). (Look for a thread on replacement composers)


I thought the music was the only decent thing in the movie...Well, I guess Ms. Tripplehorn is pretty decent, too :)

You can debate whether it worked with the movie or not but the piano stuff in particular was brillinat music, there's no question about that.


Its funny there is a thread on this particular subject. I walked into the den where my wife was watching this movie (I admit I've never seen it-mainly because of Tom Cruise) and was instantly attracted to the Keith Emerson-ish feel of the discordant piano work that happened to be playing at that moment. That's why I looked this film up on IMDB. I wanted to see who had composed the score to the film. OK so it's not for everyone, but I liked what I heard and I think it fit the mood of the film (at least for the little part I saw of it).

"Any technology sufficiently advanced would be indistinguishable from Magic."


I'm a fan of the music, even though I agree it was extremely jangly and weird to hear the first time, compared to the standard soundtracks of the day.



I thought it went well with the movie, we as the audience are supposed to be uncomfortable and nervous for Mitch and Abby, I think the score helped bring that feeling out some. But it's not for everyone of course, but then again *nothing* is for *everyone*. Some people will always like something, whereas others will not, it doesn't make either side wrong. Everyone has different tastes, it just boils down to not being able to please everyone.


Well, I believe everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but I felt the score was perfect and original for this type of film. My question is, for most of you on this thread that didn't like the score, that means you didn't really much enjoy the film itself either then, right??? Just asking.....


I LOOOVED the score. It's very sultry deep down piano blues-y. I thought it gave a unique vibe to the film and separates it from your typical suspense movie.


I agree with the original poster, fire the film score DECIDER. It was a good movie though.


I never pay attention to music but I did find the music weird. Didn't seem to fit the theme.


"fire the film score DECIDER"

That would be the director.

And the score was amazing. Sorry it wasn't typical enough for you.


I wholeheartedly agree!

Somebody brought a monkey, because the monkey knocked over the salad bar...


I say the music score is EXCELLENT!,and written and performed by a Maestro-Dave Grusin.


I'm a major fan of Grusin, but the piano-blues sounds too much like music to accompany tacky comic relief-scenes or exaggerated coziness. As build up-music/suspense music it doesn't really work, and annoys a bit, I think. Good movie, though.


I agree with the O.P, the music didn't unsettle me like it was possibly supposed to, it just annoyed me. The film could have been a gripping thriller but the soundtrack made it feel more like a romantic comedy.

"What is this new devilry?"


I thought it was NOT AWFUL. The MUSIC MADE THE MOVIE for me.

I thought it was good and fitted well with the atmosphere... simple and had a classy vibe... Would definately not have changed it for some mainstream pop/rock. THAT would have spoilt the movie.


Reminded me of the piano score for Peeping Tom (1960).


