MovieChat Forums > Dennis the Menace (1993) Discussion > The part where Dennis ran away

The part where Dennis ran away

I thought the part where Mr. Wilson got so angry at Dennis was one of the meanest and one of the cruelest things anybody can ever say to a little kid,

Dennis told Mr. Wilson that there was a burlgar in the house and Mr. Wilson couldn't watch the flower bloom cause he was interrupted by Dennis and Mr. Wilson didn't believe him and that he told Dennis that he was a selfish little boy and he told him that the flower meant alot to him more than he ever will and then he told Dennis that he didn't want to see him, he didn't want to know him, I'm surprised that Mrs. Wilson didn't say anything to Mr. Wilson that caused Dennis to run away.


um ok? you do realize its just good acting right? :P




I think we're being a little to hard on Mr. Wilson. Have you ever been so angry that you would say something you later regret? That's how it was with Mister Wilson. Remember later after Dennis ran away Mr.W was almost in tears feeling guilty about what he said, he even went out on his own to try to find Dennis.


Well said

he felt really guilty so he has feeling
If he really was soooo mean he would have left Dennis and not care at all what happens to him





I think we're being a little to hard on Mr. Wilson. Have you ever been so angry that you would say something you later regret? That's how it was with Mister Wilson. Remember later after Dennis ran away Mr.W was almost in tears feeling guilty about what he said, he even went out on his own to try to find Dennis.

Admittedly yes I've had gotten angry towards someone who I've really cared about who has turned their backs on me to where I've ended up lashing out my anger towards them, I've later thought of another person who I've disliked that has done worse things to me and that has inspired me to control my temper a little better.


"um ok? you do realize its just good acting right? :P"

Here we go with this classic response! Um you do realize that this is a message board for discussing and sharing opinions about the movie, right?

I know this is about 3 years late, but I HATE that response!



That whole scene was touching, and at the end when Mr. Wilson got in his car to look for Dennis was so touching I cried:)

It showed Mr. Wilson really did love Dennis a lot and really cared about him.



People say things they don't mean when they are mad and I agree with everyone that if he was really cruel then he wouldn't have gone out to look for him.



Up to that point in the movie, Dennis had:

* Shot a slingshot down his throat while he was sleeping
* Made him kiss a dog by letting it inside his home
* Had his dentures replaced with Chicklets, making him look like Bugs Bunny for his picture
* Destroyed the table with food that he and his wife worked hard to put on display for their guests
* And made him miss a once-in-a-lifetime event that he'd been working on for 40-years and wanted to be his moment in the spotlight, which he deserved

Don't forget he also shot paint in Mr. Wilson's chicken, left the bathroom floor a mess so he slipped and did the splits, put mouth wash in his nose spray and toilet cleaner in his mouth wash, and just about killed him with the canoe and buried him in the 'GD garden lanterns'.


Ah yes, I hope I have 5 kids just like him. WHAT AM I SAYING?


For my part, I'm also surprised that Henry and Alice Mitchell didn't call him out on it either. If I was either one, and if Mr. Wilson asked to babysit Dennis a second time, I would have told him, "Yeah, thanks, but no thanks."


The scene where mr.wilson is saying all the mean things to dennise always brings me to tears. Dennise is such a sweet cute little boy, I could never have said those mean things to him. Even if I was angry.


I watched this movie and the sequel yesterday after not watching them for years. I was really moved and surprised because of that when Mr. Wilson really scolded him and when he felt guilty. I nearly cried and it's weird I couldn't cry when watching the ending of the Haley Joel Osment movie "Pay It Forward".




