Oh man, what a classic
Who else loved this movie as a kid? It's seriously one of the best funniest family flicks of the 90s. They sure don't make them like this anymore!
shareWho else loved this movie as a kid? It's seriously one of the best funniest family flicks of the 90s. They sure don't make them like this anymore!
shareNo they sure don't and it sucks, it just feels like a perfect movie, I loved it so much as a kid, I still love it now. The two direct to video movies that followed it up, I liked Dennis the Menace Strikes Again but it was never as good as this one, the Christmas one I never touched with a 10 foot pole, because I already know it can't come anywhere close to holding a candle here.
shareUnconcerned by what others may think, I, a 72 year old man, have always loved this movie. The chemistry between Mr. Wilson, played by the wonderful Walter Matthau, and Dennis is the rock upon which this film rests.
Christopher Lloyd's turn as Switchblade Sam is at times very scary, and at other times, very incompetent at his trade. And that is the comedy of this movie, besides the incredible situations Dennis puts Mr Wilson in, although without malice or anger.
But, there is one sequence in this film that soars above all else.
The heart touching, tear inducing scene when Mrs. Wilson reads "Winkin' Blinkin and Nod" to Dennis and you see how he is connected to his parents through the passages in the poem. Beautiful moment.