MovieChat Forums > Demolition Man (1993) Discussion > Not accurate but had some ideas

Not accurate but had some ideas

It predicted a few trends getting worse.
People avoiding conflict and being unable to assess it
Language censorshipoutlawing things considered bad for you
Video calls (that was nothing new)
Population control
Outrage at small infractions (graffiti, language etc)
Virtual reality for relationships.
Nostalgia obsession
Submission to authority for safety

It's not pretending to be smart. It took trends that were happening at the time and making them absurd by 90's standards. Funny thing is, they're not far from the truth.
It's not accurate. It just seemed to have stumbled on valid themes.


waddya mean getting worse?
The film depicted the perfect civilised utopia
I'd give up being able to say "fuck" if it meant the world was crime / violence free


There was still crime and violence. It was pushed underground. While they lived super happy lives, others starved. I'd rather have freedom. It has risk but it beats living in a false sense of reality with people who are easily duped.


I wouldn't, I'd rather be free in a warzone then be a prisoner in a Draconian pussy whipped police state where everything you do or say is controlled. You don't ever give up your freedom just to "feel safe", that's not how it works. I hope you're being sarcastic.


You don't ever give up your freedom just to "feel safe", that's not how it works.
As Benjamin Franklin said, "he who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither."


yes you are correct anotherday this film depict pussyfied future where people offend over everything just like pc sjw woketard. it predict these weaklings to the tea!!

banning of meat - just what vegan wuss want

banning of offense language - people today being put in jails for saying mean thing on social medias

lack of freedoms - people force underground if they do not conform to pussified society - just what woketards want to do to people who do not agree with woketard law

this film was ahead of time!!


It definitely predicted the censorship and the Sensitive Sally Snowflake syndrome that's rampant these days.
