taco bell

do any of you guys say the taco bell thing from this movie everytime you eat it. do it at work all the time.


I'm watching this on sky movies and just noticed that they've dubbed taco bell with pizza hut! And the sign outside the restaurant has been digitally altered to pizza hut too.. wtf is that about??


There's another thread that says they changed it because people in Europe wouldn't know Taco Bell so they changed it to Pizza Hut. I watched it on Sky Movies tonight and it was Pizza Hut. I've only ever seen this movie on Irish and British TV and it was always Taco Bell so Sky must have changed it recently.

There's a moral to this story Del Boy but for the life of me I can't find it!


It was done for the Australian release, not the European release. It had to do with there being no Taco Bells in Australia due to a brand lawsuit.

Why they are showing the Aus release on tv worldwide I couldnt tell you. Ive seen it on tv in the US too.


Yeh i'm watching it again on Sky Movies and it's been dubbed to Pizza Hut. I was wondering why it was so out of sync.


I occasionally say the "the taco bell thing" but what I really like to do is sing "In the valley of the jolly green giant!"- the song that slick dude on piano sang when they walked into the Taco Bell lobby.


I just keep thinking "the dog kids like to bite."
