MovieChat Forums > The Crush (1993) Discussion > Amy's interaction with Darian

Amy's interaction with Darian

Did this strike anyone else as odd?

The scene at Amy's car, the day after Nick and her spent the night together, was bizarre. Her weird, defensive tone towards Darian seemed out of place for a fully grown woman. It was as if she felt that a 14 year old would actually pose a threat to her relationship. Amy's solution to get her from acting up was to treat her as condescendingly as possible? She sure knows her child psychology. lol


Well, as you yourself say, she was no child psychologist. She also had no kids and wasn't all that older than Darian herself. I think she was in her early to mid 20s, so I don't find her interaction odd. She felt threatened and she lashed out.

R.I.P. Rick Ducommun and Tony Longo


True but this wasn't your average 14 year old girl she was dealing with. I think Amy sensed from the beginning that there may have been a hint of mutual attraction on the part of Nick and was genuinely concerned that Darian really could have posed a threat. Plus Darian had made some snide comments to Amy earlier in the movie ("Don't worry, some guys like girls with small breasts") so there was already some animosity between them.


I didn't think it was bizarre. I don't think she was threatened at all - just very annoyed by that point. She had interactions with Darian before, and had been friendly and civil, but she experienced hostile comments and behavior from her. She probably could also tell that it wasn't just routine teen bitchiness but that there was something "off" about her, like during the scene where she was collecting branches, and when she saw Darian hanging out on Nick's steps.

I think that the "Darian, go play" comment came from Amy finally losing her patience with Darian and was her way of basically telling her to get lost.


Forgetting how much of a threat this 14 year old actually was? While a grown woman lashing out a young teen the way Amy did would certainly be odd in most cases, Amy definitely had every right to act the way she did. Hell, she should have given the girl a smacking or two knowing everything she was gonna be put through.

You want something corny? You got it!


I felt she knew something was off about the girl.


A young teen? You mean a young psychopath who was 50x smarter than most adults! She wasn't some innocent kid!
