Filming Locations?

Does anyone by any chance know what neighborhood this movie was shot at. I believe I noticed Nick driving on some bridge, which happens to be in Vancouver, B.C., towards the beginning of the movie. I've always wandered where exactly the house is where this was shot at. It seems like an upscale neighborhood and very authentic. It definitely was yuppie ville. I know the filming locations section states it was filmed in Vancouver, B.C.; but it isn't at all specific and detailed. Anyone know any facts about this.



I was happy you asked questions reguarding the location of the main neighborhood depicted in this film. I just re-viewed the movie after many years and was thinking it looked like Seattle to me. In particular, the house directly across the street from Adrian's home, (shown only in one shot)looked exactly like Kurt Cobain's house in Seattle. Even had a detached garage in what looked like the correct spot.(which of course has since been torn down.) Are you sure about the location? After all Seattle is just a boat ride away.




Lake Washington Boulevard East, in Seattle
