IS this movie the thrid move of the troll series???

871 "aww look now stupid's up" "hey hey there he is"


It is Troll 3 in name only. There are no goblins here. Filmirage S.r.l. produced this though and they are the same italian production house responsible for Troll 2.


Aww I see well thanks a lot man or lady!!!

871 "aww look now stupid's up" "hey hey there he is"



Well clearly you know nothing. I was just trying to be polite. I like to see you made that comment almost a year after it was said. Looks like your the nerd. Well I'm just glad to see you respond so quickly. I'll be waiting in 2009 for your next stupid comment.

871 "aww look now stupids up" "hey hey there he is"



You say that (nerd) as if there is something wrong with being one. Maybe it's worse not to know the difference between you are and your?

871 "aww look now stupids up"
"hey hey there he is"



Hahaha I'm chill. Damn near frozen. I am aware how old this thread is. I did start it.

I'm doing well. Thank you for asking. How are you? What have you been up to for the last four years?

I do know you are joking. It never seemed that serious to begin with.

871 "aww look now stupids up"
"hey hey there he is"



Annoying right?

871 "aww look now stupids up"
"hey hey there he is"



Hahahah that's awesome man. I'm well thanks. How about you?

871 "aww look now stupids up"
"hey hey there he is"


Also 1) *beep* this thread is old and 2) is thing going to become an annual April chat catch up session? hahaha

871 "aww look now stupids up"
"hey hey there he is"


Some threads just call out to me to be resurrected. :)

Whatcha been up to these past three years, paccy4444?

As I browse these threads, I'm currently seeing this movie for the first time. What's striking me is that it doesn't feel like a 1990's movie. Old cars, old phones, old gas pumps, old feels more like late 70's to me, and I doubt they had the budget to be making a period piece.

