Not that scary

My younger brother is terified of the ConeHeads movie. We watch alot of old sci-fi movies though, and I think he is just confuseing Coneheads with something that really scared him. But I am curious now, did this movie strike anyone as frighting?

My boomerang won't come back


nope..just your loser brother... although i suspect your "brother is you".. Loser

I gotta soul to squeeze


nahh, it wasn't scary. i first saw it
back when it came out and i was only


It scared me as a kid. I admit it. I had dreams that they were my neighbors and the dad ate my lawnmower and spit bolts at me.


My kids LOVE this movie! They think it's awesome when Beldar "narfles the Garthok". :) Not too scary for them.

Johnny Farley is AWESOME!


The movie is a COMEDY. It's not supposed to be scary. Dork.


The movie is a COMEDY. It's not supposed to be scary. Dork.


I just watched this movie with my five year old a few weeks ago. He thought the Coneheads were funny, not scary at all. He loved the way they talked. He and I spoke in Conehead-ese for the rest of the afternoon and drove his Mom up the wall. :)

Your Favorite Band Sucks.


This film is a COMEDY...NOT intended to be "scary" at all.
