How much in a zerl?

What length of time makes a zerl? 2 and 4/7 years?

"We share the same biology regardless of ideology"-Sting, 1985


To them, it must've been a long time, since they didn't like it. That was the impression.


Probably about 3 years

Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.


It would depend on how long Coneheads age because they got that report when the mother was pregnant, and Connie was...what, equivalent to 16 or 17 when they went home?


According to The Life and Times of Beldar Conehead, the movie tie-in book, a zerl is 2.17 Earth years.

According to the same book though, Connie is supposed to be only 14. It goes on to explain that a young Conehead would appear older by human standards, which explains why a 14 year old seems more like 17 or so.



So a 14 year old Connie going out with a 20 something year old Ronnie.

Geesh! My mother's the only other woman I knew who could take a sandwich like that!
