conehead glossary

blargg - blue food; a granulated fungus grown articially in large holding tanks and harvested like a cranberry bog.

bluntskull - an inferior intellect; an earthling

borp mip - the end

chaffnok humming liquid - conehead drink

charkusian knife - large, formidable crescent-bladed knife now used mostly for ceremony, in use since the first charkusian war

communisume - a) socialized consumption of mass quantities
b) large dinner party

conestress- hostess

dopper - a unit of measurment for solids; about two pounds

ephor - one of two such coneheads of state, subject only to the high master and vunglerions

fadd (of plotts) - unit of measurment for fluids

farthite powder - massage powder with local anesthetic effect

flairndep - a masher or grasper of cone

flairndepping - uninvited or indiscreet groping of cone with intent to hone

flarrpott - remulakian expellative

flarthag - prostitute

flemtrop - debris

frenetomates - concubine or mistress

gaalak - a personal challenge that brings into question the concept of a cone's masculinity. a battle in cone-to-cone combat. use of any other extremity other than one's cone is taboo. verbal insults are both welcomed and encouraged. the battle continues until one of the opponents is rendered senseless or incoherent.

garthok knarfler - criminal who participates in ritualized, popular national
sport pitting conehead against garthok

garthok - fierce 6-legged beast that once populated remulakian plains, now bred for knarfling in the moons of meepzor festival

geletopool - warm, viscous, bubbling pools ranging from hot-tub size to small lakes

gelatosphere - an intoxicating plant resembling earth's brussels sprouts; the budules may be smoked, eaten or passively absorbed through a body cavity

geneto kremeepzorglat harg - ritualistic exclamation commencing nuptial streak

genetobonding - the act of getting married

genetomate - husband or wife

genetosibling - brother or sister

gorleks - two spotted cartilage nodules located symetrically in the small of the back (similar to the growths of an eartgling giraffe's head)

grelbons - remulakian omniverous heron-like birds with tewnty-inch wingspan that prefers carrion

guzz chamber - a) bedroom
b) lovemaking room

guzztrip - honeymoon

honobsessed - oversexed

house of intake - restaurant

hygenic chamber - bathroom

immediate progenitors - parents; syn. parental units
a) female progenitor - mother
b) male progenitor - father

intake knobs - food dispensing devices

jalabala - jockstrap

knarfle - throw or subdue

knarfpooned - fished with a turborod

krabstotz - a term expressing annoyance

kraptor - a remulakian desert lizard

krathnorettes - pretty young female attendants, who are always part of
vunglerion rituals

kremnip - a female of ill repute

kremnothplail - salutation of high honors and respect implying a favor owed to the vunglerions

kremnotts - hail; i salute you

kuldroth meepzor kremnott ib icar garthok ib brazen glairb - a ceremonial vunglerion prayer calling for strength and courage for the knarflers

light zerl - 2.17 light years (light year = the distance light travels in one earth year at 186,284 miles a second)

living chamber - a) apartment
b) home

living-torg - cash, spending money

magnocycle - a snowmobile-like vehicle that flies just above the ground using magnetic fields

magnopodmobile - a car-sized subway vehicle on an underground monorail system

maintain low tones - don't raise your voice (with me)

mebs - a) a tem expressing frustration; i.e., oh no! ouch! damni it!
b) warning; i.e., watch out; you anger me.

meepzor vortex - heavy rem phase of sleep on or around the festival of the moons of meepzor

mentott - consultant, adviser, or graduate of monastery and vunglerion sciences

molten lactate extrct of hooved mammals - hot melted cheese

my pluvarb has broken - my water has broken

narpail - weakling

nartatt - pocket

neogenetomates - newlyweds

one-sixth gravity - a 60-pound object on earth would weigh 10 pounds on beldar's home asteroid reldelzinganth

pathok - dweeb, pathetic example of a cone

plarg - male gentalia

pleasure tone spewer - stereo system or any machine that reproduces sounds and/or music

pleasure spool - parahonal static-electrogravity globe used to induce euphoria in cones

plotts - radioactive fermented drink (comparable to beer) made from berries taken from a sacred tree-like plant

pneumatic pod - two-seated canister-like vehicle that travels through a pneumatic tubeway

pre-honing agreement - pre-marital agreement

prehone activity - foreplay

preplargescent - not yet sexually mature; prepubescent

progenitor unit - father or mother

prohenitors - father or mother

pulp swerl - a fibrous, pudding-like fast food consumed through a disposable mouthpiece at the end of a high pressure plastic feeding tube. a white fiberous pudding that is part of the conehead diet.

reachit - either a child or midget who serves as a maintenace engineer's assistant on a starcruiser or orecruiser

relay station - similar to a lighthouse in function, it maintains a beacon to aid in vunglerion black hole navigation

religio-fantasy megachamber - big church

remdre ib meepzor - hooray, the festival is starting

remote intake - take-out food

remulakian emullion tango - a dance that spins so fast it results in a tornado

replottsing my quenchorn - refilling my beer mug

ring of fire - a circle at the center of the arena floor in the ritual theater that burns with low-heat flames from the protoid jelly poured onto the dirt (a magma cauldron which originally stood at this point was replaced during restoration under marlaax's first zerl of ephorship)

sard - a) remulakian vernacular for rear end
b) a crackless butt - unique to the conehead race

scrabnord - screwed or screw up

senso-rings - popular sexual devices

slar pad - upright bed with intentions of conehead body contours. a bed.

slar phase - a significant term of sleep

slar pod - coffin

snoktrol - a remulakian weasel

sorb chunks - yellow tofu-like foodstuffs pumped through feeding tubes

space traveler guzz chamber - motel

tappet - measurment of time equivalent to an earthling half-hour

tidy torg - "pretty penny," tidy sum

tone-spewer - musician

torb in flail - finger in the hole at the bottom of a box called the consumption plect (a credit card-like system using one's finger for id)

torgoffed - messed up

transmogged - drained of energy or substances

trelgs - teeth, tooth horns

trisklipps - around 20 minutes

turnofoil - irrythium battery and protaid fuel hydrofoil-type boat

vunglerion drive - a protoid fuel engine that makes intergalactic travel
possible, invented by the vunglerions

vunglerion - a powerful, secretive caste of priests and statesmen with mushroom-shaped cones cloned from an elite gene pool

xoxoff - wild party

zerl - a) 2.17 earth years
b) time of remulak's orbit around the black hole (the center of its binary system)

zlop - measurment of time, a second

ATM card - binary access wealth card

Basketball players - human sport figures

Big Mac - multilayered protein-slab carbo quantity

Chelsea Clinton - female young one of American Highmaster

Codependent - a genetomate or family-unit member who facilitates another’s dysfunctional excessive intake of intoxicants

Designer water - hydro gulp

Espresso machine - hydrogas freneto-bean dispenser

The Gap - garb outlet

Goatee - pointed face growth

Grunge - residue of tissue decay euphemistically employed to describe a
contemporary fashion of tone spew

Yoko Ono - genetomate to late contemporary tone spewer of global status

(the symbol for Prince) - means ”confusion” in Remulakian

Arnold Schwarzenegger - an exaggerated bluntskull

Velcro - petro fiber mega-hook fastener

StairMaster - StairMaster

compiled from the conehead book, a magazine and 4 comic books.

