MovieChat Forums > Coneheads (1993) Discussion > Scene only aired on certain stations

Scene only aired on certain stations

I've seen this movie so many times since it first came out and I own a copy of it on DVD. I noticed a few years back when it was on a regular tv station that a scene I had never seen before was shown.

The scene occurs when the Conehead family returns to Remulak and it's right before he has to fight the Garthuk. It's Beldar, Marlax, Prymat, and I believe Connie as well as Marlax's wife. It looks like their in some type of dining hall pigging out because I specifically remember them wearing very long bibs.

This scene is never shown when it's played on HBO or any of the big time movie channels and it's not even on the DVD.

So I was wondering if anyone else remembers seeing this scene at some point. And why it isn't aired regualrly or even on the DVD as a deleted scene.


Ok so I have seen pieces of this movie only twice, but I have seen the part you are talking about, and the funny thing is, whenever someone mentions this movie, the part you are talking about is the part I picture!

There is a dining hall scene, and I cant remember exactly how it went but there was a discussion between Beldar and Phil Hartman's character about life on Earth, and its something along the lines of Phil Hartman asking Beldar how he dealt with the fact that life is so primitive and savage on Earth and asked if it was true that Earthlings eat their offspring. Beldar then corrects him, saying they treated their "young ones" with care, much the way it was done on Remulak. Phil Hartmans character then makes a joke like "Oh I think I smell a human, no wait, its just Beldar!"

I cant find it anywhere, but I think this is what you are talking about. Let me know.


i remember that too!!!


Yes, this is the exact scene im talking about. I've only seen it a few times and I've watched this movie a million times. I don't get why its not atleast a deleted scene on the dvd. Weird.


I remember this scene and it wasnt a dining hall but more like group eating, but anyway its on my version of the dvd so im not sure about you guys.
When they edit it for tv they have to cut down scenes and sometimes remove scenes entirely to fit the designated time slot.


Wow that's weird, my dvd is copyrighted in 2001 so I don't know of that has anything to do with it.


never scene it, but that Phil Hartman line sounds hilarious


I don't own the dvd, but this scene is on my vhs copy. :)



Hmm that's really weird. I can't even find the scene on youtube or anything.


Unfortunately I can't find my vhs now. :( I may have gotten rid of it, years ago I sold off most of my tapes. But I shouldn't have gotten rid of any that I didn't also have on dvd. :P So I'm bummed now. Not sure if I should try to buy another online or not.

I definitely remember this scene. Beldar and Prymaat and his in-laws sitting in a dining hall type setting, sucking (brightly-colored?) food from tubes, with Connie looking disgusted and unsure what exactly to do with her tube. I remember the dialogue, with Beldar (with food all over his face) talking about how the humans care for their young ones much as they do, and then his brother-in-law saying something like "I smell a human - no, it is Beldar!" Like I said I don't have the dvd, I really don't know why they'd leave this scene out. :/



I found it! Unfortunately it wasn't on the VHS, I was mistaken there. But I was going through old tapes at my storage space and found one I made of this movie off of FOX over ten years ago, and it was on there. I am processing the file and will put it on Youtube. It occurs between them arriving on Remulak and when they go before the planet's leader.



I am processing the file and will put it on Youtube
Won't you get in trouble with Youtube?


My iMDB profile


Yeah, I vaguely remember this scene. There were a couple of other scenes that aired on the TV airing:

Larry acknowledging Beldar when he's outside simultaneously, thus offering him a beer, in which Beldar takes the the whole

An extended scene of taxi-driver Beldar giving his passenger(Drew Carey)
a ride to La Guardia Airport, Intrigued by Beldar's accent the passenger
asks him where he's from. In a snap decision, Beldar answers "France" upon glancing at a city bus with an French advertisement on it.

This was not the only movie that had scenes on the television airing, that
weren't included on the home video, or even on DVD prints.

The television airing of Problem Child and Problem child 2 are good examples.


All right I have uploaded the scene to Youtube:

Like I said in other comments this came off of a very old recording I made of the movie off of FOX, more than a decade ago. :)



Thanks for posting this! There was definitely a little expository in the deleted scene that explains a few things. I'm sure there's more on the cutting room floor, the end seems pretty rushed. Great job, mate.


Excellent NeitherSparky!! You da Man! (Girl?) I just watched Coneheads an hour ago and your seen was indeed deleted and it's a shame. This film is so under rated. As in the sketches on SNL, the word play and language skews are priceless. Looks like they had quite a budget, too. Man, I miss Phil Hartman...


You guys are welcome. :) (Yeah I'm a female.) I'm just glad I ended up having a copy to share. I really don't know why this scene not only would be cut from the vhs and dvd releases but not even be included as an extra. Maybe some day.

edit: You know what, I'm not the first person to upload that scene. I found a couple other uploads of the same scene on YT. Oh well.




If you can when you get time, please double check and if it on there, please tell us what release your dvd is. I haven't yet bought this movie on dvd, so if there's a version with the missing scene I'd rather have that one. (I don't care what region it is.) Thank you!



The scene makes so much sense as to why they wanted to go back to earth as they just did not fit in at remulak anymore.. I just thoguht they went back for connie...

nWo 4-Life! Halloween Rules!(The Holiday)


My DVD is copyrighted 2001. This scene is't on it.


thanks, Sparky!


This isn't very uncommon. I remember the scene well, but I'm not sure where I saw it (whether on home video, tv airing or in theaters). Sometimes when making a television edit for a movie, they will not just edit out scenes, they will make use of some of the scenes that didn't make the cut in the final film to make the run time fit better with television's time format (1/2 blocks of programming).

One famous instance of this is in The Goonies. The giant octopus which Data mentions on the beach in the closing scene never appears in the actual movie. That is unless you've seen the right version of the TV edit where it was reinserted. If you remember the the octopus at all, you saw this edit.


a bunch of scenes were only on tv, such as the briefing of beldar and marlax, which is before the opening credits.


The version on Netflix that you can stream does NOT contain this footage.


Happens many times when they add scenes to lengthen a film for TV. Best example is the Godfather which had loads of deleted scenes added to various TV showings.


Thanks for posting it!


I have not seen this scene, maybe it's available on the Blu ra.... oh, wait! ... IT's NOT AVAILABLE ON BLU RAY! .. but a lot of really, really bad movies are!
