Not even reallythat bad..

I just watched this yesterday, and I didn't think it was really THAT bad. Madonna can't act lol but it wasn't that bad. Lol I always seem to end up writing this on every movie I watch that is supposed to be awful lol.


I didn't mind Madonna's performance all that much. In some scenes her acting was off but for the most part I thought she did okay. The movie itself . . . eh, I thought it was boring.


Yeah I didn't think Madonna was that bad in this. My problem with the movie is that over all it was boring and predictable.

What kind of fresh hell is this?


Madonna's acting is truly AWFUL. She is that bad. But she has a killer body and there are worse females to see naked.

"It's mercy, compassion, and forgiveness I lack; not rationality."


Madonna's acting goes from horrible to good in movies lol. But yes this movie was a mistake, it feels like a cheap pornish rip off of Basic Instinct..

now if you see her on another movie the same year "Dangerous Game" her acting is wayy better than the movie..


Sorry, it really was that bad. Predictable from beginning to end. A sorry Basic Instinct rip off. Madonna was terrible. Obviously trying to one-up Sharon Stone but it was a fail. Bad story and even Dafoe who I usually like, was terrible. Some people are just easily amazed and entertained by anything with a Hollywood budget, well-known stars and an R rating.


Yes, absolutely. This movie is so bad it's bad.

Please put some dashes above your sig line so I won't think it's part of your dumb post.


I think at the time, people were just down on her hence the bad reviews.I think it fits in with the movies of the time of the same genre like Basic Instinct and enjoyed it.

My Blu-ray Collection



I love this movie. Any movie where Willem Dafoe is a nerd getting laid is where I am. If you think it's bad, just open your eyes and realize it's a comedy.


It's far from brilliant, but it's not the train wreck so many say it is. It's just another disposable erotic thriller. I think it gets a lot of knee-jerk hate because Madonna is the lead. If a different actress had played the part and given the same performance, people would probably consider it mediocre instead of outright bad.



I agree with the lead when he/she said it was a masterpiece. It made top 3 in my erotic thrillers.

ConnyColby, guessing you may be a Dynasty fan, I have a lot more erotic thrillers to suggest. Have a look at my list and feel free to thank me after.

Does anyone agree. Let me know!
