Ghoul Transaction

With the release of the Batman (DC Comics) adapted television series "Gotham" (Fox TV) and the upcoming Evil Dead television series airing this fall, there seems to be a lot of buzz about 'fantasy heroism' in entertainment.

Is it the multi-cultural frenzy of America that makes Halloween and self-idealization avatars such as Captain America (Marvel Comics) so thrilling?

"Army of Darkness" (1992) presents a chainsaw-equipped unlikely superhero who is transported to a mystical land where he must contend with a resurrected death-focused army of ghoulish skeletons and minions in the hopes of obtaining honor and safety.

Only in America does a fortune-gambling center such as Las Vegas gain such mythic proportions, and perhaps only in America can we be enthralled by an eerie and exhilarating film such as "Army of Darkness" (1992).

This movie made me want to invent all sorts of Americana gargoyle avatars:

1. Creepy Roy --- a muscular and fanged lurker who eats the organs of his human victims and grows stronger by digesting their bile
2. Bloody Rita --- a super-sexy and super-mean assassin who prefers to leave her mark on her targets by drawing in blood a sign of the Christian cross
3. Opera Dragon --- a masked and hooded candyman who plants sleeping gas in movie theaters and implants suggestive dreams in the audience with specially recorded audio compositions

In fact, "Army of Darkness" (1992) really illuminates why comic books fascinate the Agnostic American.

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