MovieChat Forums > Army of Darkness (1993) Discussion > Best Scottish accents ever!

Best Scottish accents ever!

I mean seriously, has Americans ever came to our country?! The constant butchering of our accents is incredible. Not even Brave Heart was THAT bad! :P


"I mean seriously, has Americans ever came to our country"

I think that I see your point. When you see American actors affecting a Scottish accent, you must say to yourself: "Thems American might soundses a little like a Scot, but theys grammers not authentical!"


Well to be honest we don't give enough of a sh*t to get our OWN accents right, much less Scottish. Southern accents, for example, frequently sound phony and caricaturish in movies. Of course that's not limited to American actors.


As a Brit the accents seemed pretty decent to me, the Scottish accent isn't exactly difficult to master anyway.

Only dream I ever have is it the surface of the Sun. Every time I shut my eyes it's always the same.


Actually, it is. Most American actors tend to sound like a Russian trying to speak English whenever they attempt it. Mel Gibson was good though, I should know because I actually happen to be Scottish.


Actually, it isn't. Just because people do it poorly doesn't mean it's hard. It only means those people aren't putting the effort in.

Mel Gibson was good though, I should know because I actually happen to be Scottish.

What does this have to do with anything? Mel Gibson isn't American.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


No Scottish accents clearly aren't easy to master. SCOTTISHY IRISHY Grounds Keeper Wullie, roll my R's and put an O in every word are easy to do that's why no one outside of the USA finds them believable.


OP. This film is about a Time traveling supermarket attendant with a chainsaw arm fighting skeletons and monsters in a medieval kingdom that looks a lot like California. You really think authenticity was their top priority.

The film says its 1300AD yet doesn't have King Edward of England instead goes for some King Arthur type who would be around, in legend, closer to 600AD.

Not even sure Henry the red was supposed to even be Scottish. He was only called leader of the north lands. Coulda been referring to York.

In may ways its a joke on 1930's Hollywood adventures.


Nobody said he was the King of ENGLAND. There were lots of self titled "Kings" during the 1300s. He's also never actually referred to as a king either. He's referred to as "Lord Arthur." Lord =\= king.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


I mean seriously, has Americans ever came to our country?!

What's the first language of your country? It doesn't seem to be English.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


Check out John Cleese's American accent in Meaning of Life. That is despite the fact that all of his wives have been Americans. Most Brits can't do American accents either


Who cares, it's just a movie and it's close enough especially considering it's a horror comedy.
