MovieChat Forums > Army of Darkness (1993) Discussion > Rewatched this, after two decades...

Rewatched this, after two decades...

I saw this when it came out... Had an illegal copy with so-so picture quality (at the time it wasn't banned per se in my country, but it would be quite a few years away from being released).
I was a real fanboy who simply could not get enough Evil Dead in my life, so I just sucked this one up like it was liquid gold!

A few years later I ditched the crappy vhs-copy I had, and never really got around to aquire it again, and thusly I haven't seen it since......until tonight, when it suddenly became available on Netflix!
Me and the missus sat down to watch it - me for the first time in 20 years, she for the first time ever.
About 15 minutes in she simply said "You know what, this is really, really bad!".
"Uh, ok... You want me to turn it off?"
said I.
"No, you go ahead and watch, I'll go do something else."

So, she clicked around on her computer, while I watched the rest of Army of Darkness, trying my absolute best to really get in to it, enjoy it and get that feeling again.
Alas, it just didn't work. I couldn't get over how most parts of this movie felt like a comedy - and not a good one, a really, relly BAD one! The jokes fell flat, the action (what little of that there was) felt stupid and it couldn't even pick the odd point for costume or sets.
During those first 15 minutes she was still watching it, the missus asked me if it was a movie or a tv-series, and while watching the rest of it I really got why she had asked. Because that what Army of Darkness feels like to me now. A cheap tv-series. The really bad kind, that you definately will turn off after the first episode, if you even sit through that one.

It's a bit sad that age and maturity (my own) kind of "ruined" this one for me.
Still love part II though, and the often played tin-can edition of it sits proudly on my shelf. :)


A movie doesn't change over time, it's too bad you changed so much you can't enjoy it. I'm 50x more mature now then I was when this came out but it doesn't change the movie for me since I can accept a movie for what it is no matter how much time has gone by. It's really not hard. I'm sorry you have that problem.


OP sounds like a nu-male cuck. Talking about "The missus" every other sentence, how he's outgrown anything fun, probably because of her.


Ooo, look at mr self important!

The anecdote featured the missus because she was a part of it.
I haven't "outgrown anything fun", I am simply a fundamentally different person today, at 42, than I was when I was 15-20 years old. I cannot see why this is strange, but seeing as you seem to have the emotional maturity of a teenager, I can definately understand how you think it's weird that a person EVOLVS over time.

"Cuck"... Jesus h christ, get your head out of your rear sphincter.


That was kind of my point though, wasn't it.
I have changed, and therefore I don't really enjoy Army of darkness like I used to do, and that's not strange to me at all. Since last time I saw Army of Darkness, 20 plus years ago, I have probably seen anywhere between 500 and 1000 movies, and it would be a strange thing if other films I see didn't affect my tastes, my views and my persona.

Some films I saw 20 years ago I still enjoy (although most of them not for the same reasons as a did way back when) while others I don't.


Ah you live in Sweden well that explains it. You see my friend you are what they call a cuck. Both you and your "woman" have been brainwashed by centuries of liberal propaganda so its no wonder why you can't like a film like this. It's a surprise why your wife's boyfriend wasn't watching it with you!

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo


I don't enjoy it anymore because I have EVOLVED.
Why don't you try it...


I don't enjoy it anymore because I have EVOLVED.

LMAO I just think you have gone backwords in the evolutionary ladder of the cinematic taste, trust me.


Taste is subjective.
Calling someone a "cuck" is deplorable.

*** I was simply defending myself against attacks from people less evolved than me.
Like, oh for instance the "cuck" slinging idiots on this board. So insecure in their own skin that anything they percieve as a threat towards the "manly man way of life" is instantly beaten down as being "gay" or spoken by a "cuck".
Even using the word "cuck" is rock solid proof that you (not YOU per se, but rather the over all "you") have no social skill at all, no sense of decency and absolutely no wish to live in a modern world. ***

When I first wrote the original post to this thread I was actually lamenting the fact that I no longer enjoyed this film...because I really no longer do. I think it is silly (in a bad way) and I cringe trying to get through the so called humor.
But I'm not saying this lightly. I think it's sad, because I USED to get so much enjoyment from it. But I have changed. Me - as in THIS PERSON WRITING. I'm not saying the movie has changed. I never EVER said it was a bad film, I simply said I don't enjoy it anymore. The same way that I don't enjoy 'Knight Rider', or 'The Greatest American Hero', or about a dozen other films and tv-shows I saw when I was a lot younger than I am today.
Some I liked then and still like today, some I don't.
This is not rocket science...
So why can't people "hang out" at this forum?? Why must everything become a fight to the death?!

It's boring.
Sad. Stupid. Childish.
And boring!


Poor snowflake! Hope you enjoy all your chick flicks!


Even though I think you are harsh... I have to side with you on that one simply because Army of Darkness is timeless cinematic gold.


I just rewatched it with my wife (who's never seen it before). I was reminded again of why I've always loved this movie, and even she had to admit that it was good (even if she doesn't generally like anything even vaguely horror-y).


This is like a three stooges movie. Most females hate the three stooges. So I could understand why the missus was turned off. For many of us males it's comedy gold.


Yeah, weird my brother had the same experience as you. On my part, I don't agree. It was a classic back then and is still one today. I don't know how you could think that the humour is bad. On the contrary, I still find it dark and refreshing.

Each their own I suppose because my brother agrees with you.


I always felt it was the weakest of the series. Still fun, but it never had as much replay value to me as the other two.


Sorry for your loss


It is purposely a bad comedy, lol!!

It's meant to be a ridiculous slapstick comedy horror movie satire.

What country do you live in where this would be banned?


"Me and the missus sat down to watch it - me for the first time in 20 years, she for the first time ever.
About 15 minutes in she simply said "You know what, this is really, really bad!".
"Uh, ok... You want me to turn it off?" said I.
"No, you go ahead and watch, I'll go do something else." "

Annndddd that would be the moment she would be single. I would never tolerate a woman who shits on a movie I love like that. You either watch it with me or your sorry ass is dumped.

Unless we both to turn it off. This is the only cases I accept that my girlfriend doesn't watch stuff with me. And she knows it.


I rewatched it for the first time in about 12-13 years.

It's better than I remember. I did like it back then but leant heavily in favor of the first two Evil Dead films.
