Rewatched this, after two decades...
I saw this when it came out... Had an illegal copy with so-so picture quality (at the time it wasn't banned per se in my country, but it would be quite a few years away from being released).
I was a real fanboy who simply could not get enough Evil Dead in my life, so I just sucked this one up like it was liquid gold!
A few years later I ditched the crappy vhs-copy I had, and never really got around to aquire it again, and thusly I haven't seen it since......until tonight, when it suddenly became available on Netflix!
Me and the missus sat down to watch it - me for the first time in 20 years, she for the first time ever.
About 15 minutes in she simply said "You know what, this is really, really bad!".
"Uh, ok... You want me to turn it off?" said I.
"No, you go ahead and watch, I'll go do something else."
So, she clicked around on her computer, while I watched the rest of Army of Darkness, trying my absolute best to really get in to it, enjoy it and get that feeling again.
Alas, it just didn't work. I couldn't get over how most parts of this movie felt like a comedy - and not a good one, a really, relly BAD one! The jokes fell flat, the action (what little of that there was) felt stupid and it couldn't even pick the odd point for costume or sets.
During those first 15 minutes she was still watching it, the missus asked me if it was a movie or a tv-series, and while watching the rest of it I really got why she had asked. Because that what Army of Darkness feels like to me now. A cheap tv-series. The really bad kind, that you definately will turn off after the first episode, if you even sit through that one.
It's a bit sad that age and maturity (my own) kind of "ruined" this one for me.
Still love part II though, and the often played tin-can edition of it sits proudly on my shelf. :)