Lol, at least The Gifted had proper editing and story flow.
This on the other hand felt it was chopped up a fucking chimpanzee smashing keyboard buttons.
I kept losing focus b/c of how awkwardly it would cut back and forth from one scene to another.
I was like: "Whaaat? Whoo? Where? WTF is going on, man? Could this shit slow down a little with the jump cuts?"
Case in point: when William was picked up by some agent guy who was tracking Mulder, cut to next scene, William is fine and already at the girlfriends house, cut to another scene. Some expendables find that agent guy exploded inside his car. So, if agent guy tried to tackle William and he exploded him inside, where's the blood and guts on Williams clothing when we see him at the house?
Why did CSM and Reyes follow William themselves? since when did he start doing all the dirty work? Shoudn't he have at least a few lackeys to do his bidding? Was he going to release the virus by himself too? running around aerosol spraying people like a lunatic? Hahahahha.
So much fail, Christ Carter. You terrible hack and you can't write for shit :>D