MovieChat Forums > The X Files (1993) Discussion > Einstein is completely and utterly unbea...

Einstein is completely and utterly unbearable in every conceivable way.

I see what they're trying to do with her character - make her a younger version of Scully. But it isn't working. Scully was a skeptic - not a complete ignoramus. Scully didn't believe but she had an open mind. Einstein is just an obnoxious, ignorant know-it-all who, if left on her own, would fail to bring even a SINGLE one of these cases to their proper conclusions. Not to mention, Scully was likable and relatable - so even when she was denying the existence of aliens with a ship in front of her - you still, as an audience member, liked her or at least sympathized her. Scully tries to reach a scientific explanation for paranormal events or tries to bridge the gap between herself and Mulder. Einstein is unbearable. She is a SLAVE to the things she thinks she knows and this makes her quite a moronic individual. She's a vindictive *beep* who will let her personal feelings completely interrupt her investigation. Every moment she is on screen reduces the entire 10 year legacy of the X Files to a festering pile of excrement. She is worse than Monica Reyes and Diana Fowley.

Dear Mr. Carter - if you are TRYING to find new and exciting ways to destroy this show, by ALL means, continue to allow Special Agent Einstein to "darken the doorway" of your writing room, because that is ALL her continued presence will achieve. Not to mention, if there is no Mulder and no Scully - there is no X Files.


Miller was okay but I couldn't stand Einstein all she did was whine and talks to most people like they were idiots.


Yeah! And SHE probably didn't know the price of liver and onions on Reticula EITHER!



It reminds me of the joke, 3 women went to a restaurant, and one said, "The food is awful, and the portions are terrible."


Marginally overegged, but I agree with the sentiment.

The x files needs to play to it's strengths, not ignore them. If they want a spin off or a new series altogether, fine, but don't jam the continuation together with it.


The series eventually heavily implied there would be no x files without Mulder and Scully. I wonder now if they wouldn't have been stronger not implying that. Not just for sequels but for the show on its own. We should have gotten a proper taste of Mulder and Krycek, then Scully & Dogget (preferably Spender) wouldn't have felt so incomplete. And they would today perhaps be seriously considering a M&S less spin off.


The series eventually heavily implied there would be no x files without Mulder and Scully.

When did the series imply this?


By completely sucking without them.

Give me a Pepsi Free.


This. I think Doggett and Reyes were good in their own way and some of the stories were actually compelling but it wasn't 'the x files' anymore.


I agree; she's awful.

And she's nothing like Scully; they may both be scientists but there the similarity ends. Einstein comes across as angry and militant in her scientific stance; Scully was always cool as a cucumber, calmly explaining rather than hotheaded. Awful character.


I'd hit it.


Einstein is awful. A caricature of Scully and she is not even funny.


She's supposed to be a ridiculous, yes, unbearable not-quite-caricature of Scully.

Instant gratification takes too long.
-Carrie Fisher, RIP


She was awful, couldn't stand her. If they have her in more episodes I'll stop watching, unless she gets infected with the black oil or something.


" Scully didn't believe but she had an open mind. "


I have NEVER seen a mind as closed as scully's in any TV show, ever.


Are you _OUT_ of yours??
