Einstein is completely and utterly unbearable in every conceivable way.
I see what they're trying to do with her character - make her a younger version of Scully. But it isn't working. Scully was a skeptic - not a complete ignoramus. Scully didn't believe but she had an open mind. Einstein is just an obnoxious, ignorant know-it-all who, if left on her own, would fail to bring even a SINGLE one of these cases to their proper conclusions. Not to mention, Scully was likable and relatable - so even when she was denying the existence of aliens with a ship in front of her - you still, as an audience member, liked her or at least sympathized her. Scully tries to reach a scientific explanation for paranormal events or tries to bridge the gap between herself and Mulder. Einstein is unbearable. She is a SLAVE to the things she thinks she knows and this makes her quite a moronic individual. She's a vindictive *beep* who will let her personal feelings completely interrupt her investigation. Every moment she is on screen reduces the entire 10 year legacy of the X Files to a festering pile of excrement. She is worse than Monica Reyes and Diana Fowley.
Dear Mr. Carter - if you are TRYING to find new and exciting ways to destroy this show, by ALL means, continue to allow Special Agent Einstein to "darken the doorway" of your writing room, because that is ALL her continued presence will achieve. Not to mention, if there is no Mulder and no Scully - there is no X Files.