MovieChat Forums > Wild Palms (1993) Discussion > How about a full movie remake???

How about a full movie remake???

I'm a Republican, and thats my opinion on this matter.


I'm a Democrat, and I vote no.

Seriously, there are far too many remakes of this & that already. I say we do away with remakes & reality shows, and force the writers to try and find their originality again.

Or let them get a job that requires no originality or imagination. An office somewhere, say.

No, no - Pillage first, then burn! Stupid Vikings...


I'm a Democrat, too and I have no problem with this being remade. Mostly because I don't remember the original being all that well done...

I don't like when they take something that was done well the first time and remake it. Take something that can be done BETTER and remake that. Otherwise, what's the point?

As far as original, that's tough to come by these days. Everything been done in some form or another...

"You know what a cautious fellow I am..."


I agree. This mini-series has a lot of things going for it, and I especially loved the nod to William Gibson; however, I find it telling that the lead actor didn't understand much of the script.

It's just that I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out why this mini-series seems to have been buried over time, especially, when I consider how relevant it is to this day and age (hologram technology being used at Coachella 2012 using Tupac, for instance).

I know this sounds stupid, but is it possible that the show was too ahead of its time? Perhaps, certain elements in the series were not explained well-enough for a mainstream audience in order for them to better relate when it first debuted.

Like you said, a remake of the show is in order. I think the themes presented in the mini-series are as relevant as ever, and imo, it'd work better as a television series.


It could be remade as an OTT satire.

Its that man again!!


In a way it was ahead of it's time. This is something that would have fared much better on a cable network like HBO, or FX. A lot of the themes from the comic strip were watered down for ABC. Also, while the series is good, in retrospect they were clearly strapped for a budget and some things about their version of the future are kind of unintentionally hilarious. We still have clunky televisions and laptops but can accesses cyber space through Matsuda sunglasses?

It rubs the butter on it's skin, y'all.



Yeah, it is great as it is... but an update would be welcomed by me ... if only for technological reasons.
