MovieChat Forums > Wild Palms (1993) Discussion > What has that to do with Twin Peaks?

What has that to do with Twin Peaks?

I just don´t see why there was or still is the reproach that Wild Palms is a rip-off of Twin Peaks. To me both shows have got nearly nothing in common.
The only similiarity I see is that in Twin Peaks there is a vision of a horse inside a house and in Wild Palms a dream of a rhinoceros inside a house.


Both were sort of weird, I think both were on ABC, and WP came out after TP. Other than that I can't really think of any reason.

WP is a lot larger in scale than TP and it's in the sci-fi genre. TP is more of a mystery drama with horror elements.


Thank you for your reply.
I totally agree.



Thank you very much!
But for me all of these are just details. If you analyze this way you can compare any show with another.
And "Twin Peaks" hasn´t invented slow motion or the McGuffin.

What about the differences?

-"Twin Peaks" takes place in the- then- present whereas "Wild Palms" takes place in the- then- future.

-The protagonist of "Twin Peaks" is a FBI agent and a bachelor- the protagonist in "Wild Palms" is an
attorney and a family man.

-"Twin Peaks" is about murder, "Wild Palms" about holographic tv and kidnapping.

-In "Twin Peaks" there are supernatural forces and persons- in "Wild Palms" everything is natural
scientifically explainable.

- and so one.

For me these are grave differences.

No harm meant but it makes me wonder that you didn´t listed that in both shows there is a psychotherapist and Japanese gangsters.



Thank you for your reply. Agreed.



This is my real family name. "Papst" is German for "pope" but as a name it is spelled with "b" in the middle.

If you are actually interested: know two versions how this name devleoped in the particular case of my family:

-Our ancestors had been called Fried and in the medieval time it was common to Latinize names. "Friede"
means "peace" in German, so one of my ancestors changed his name into "Pax" ("peace" in Latin) and
later another ancestor wanted to have a German sounding name again so he change Pax into Pabst.

-It´s a mock name one of my ancestors get because he acted as if he felt like a Pope (I think in respect of
arrogance or sth.)

And there is the rumor that one of my ancestors, a chemist who emigrated to the USA, invented the Blue Ribbon bear.

But what has the name Pabst to do with hipsters? (It´s funny: last week I still wore a goatee like a hipster and now I still have a chin beard.)


Without Twin Peaks, Wild Palms would never had been made as a tv series.

Its that man again!!


I don't know about that. I'm pretty sure Bruce Wagner had started writing the screenplays for Wild Palms even before Twin Peaks aired on TV ; the show would probably have been made no matter what. Maybe Twin Peaks helped with Wild Palms's success - but I'm not sure one depended on the other...

As for the similarities between the two, nobody mentioned that David Warner played in both (Thomas Eckhardt in TP, Eli Levitt in WP). Everytime he said the name "Josie" in WP, I couldn't help but thinking of TP... =)

(I don't really understand why people would call WP a rip-off, though - even if there are a couple of similarities between the show and Lynch's work in general, both are very different.)

"You know, this is - excuse me - a damn fine cup of coffee."


do you know how many things are written and never make air? hundreds a year


in case any of you come back to this thread the comparison to twin peaks is very legit. You're looking for specific story line similarities.Thats not it. The thing is TP was a vastly unorthodox choice for an american major tv network to air. After it networks began trying , to use a very broad, vague word "weird things"

Wild Palms was obviously one of the successors. Along with Northern Exposure, Pickets Fences and X Files. You can just see the pencil pushers in some office around a table at some meeting saying, we need something weird, what do we have in development.

If you were around at the time it was fairly obvious there was a post TP trend going on in the last years before basic cable exploded and changed everything yet again.
