Similar show...

First, I loved this show when it was on. Anyway, I'm trying to remember what another show that ran around the same time that was about a cop in the future with a robotic suit.

I know it sounds strange, but I can't for the life of me remember what that was called. It ran on Saturdays (where I live, anyway) and was either right before or right after Time Trax in the afternoon (right after the cartoons, back when they were good SMCs).

The guy wore a suit and had to catch futuristic bad guys and I am pretty sure he had a partner in a control room somewhere (who I think was black, maybe?). Anyway, any help would be great.

Of course, there is the possibility I'm just nuts and none of this will make any sense to anyone, but, it was worth a try...


Robocop the series?


You might be thinking of Mantis. He was a black superhero of contemporary times, however, not the future. He was shot and rendered a paraplegic, but when he donned the "exo-suit" he had full mobility in addition to super strength and could jump really high. He also flew a futuristic like single seat hovercraft thing that could also travel underwater to access his hidden base built under his mansion. In the pilot telefilm, he had two black assistants, but when it was developed for a TV series, I suppose the PTB decided to "vanilla" it up a bit and gave him a white assistant; a good guy to be sure, who usually stayed at the hidden base and communicated via radio. Just punch in "Mantis" in the IMDB and you should get more details. Hope this helps.

"We are all more alike than not alike." Sci-fi action/adventure novel Omicron Crisis by D. L. Smith


BTW, in the US, M.A.N.T.I.S is available on Hulu (free)


Well not exactly similar...kind-of...

There was a TV show where a guy is sent back to the living by the Devil to retrieve those that have escaped Hell or something like that...

Anyone recall? Can fill in the missing pieces?



Didn't watch it, but wasn't that Brimstone? Lasted a season or less.


Yeah, That's it! Thanks!


Also sounds like the movie plot of "Constantine".


I believe "Super Force" is the TV show that the OP is referring to. I have not watched that one since I was a kid- and it has never been put on DVD. I can only guess since the description of a man wearing a robotic suit and being assisted by a black guy in a lab matches the plot.

"M.A.N.T.I.S." was definitely NOT a time-travel show. I saw all 22 episodes for it and it takes place the very year it was airing. Only one episode had the main character travel into the future- and it was an alternate reality of what things were going to be like if he just disappeared on everyone. The producers learned that TV show was not going to be renewed for another season- so they just ended it by having him killed off.


Not all that similar but I was always reminded a little of Quantum Leap by this show.


"Quantum Leap" actually had a series finale and let us know that Dr. Sam Beckett would not be returning home. "Time Trax" just left us wondering what would become of Darien Lambert. The same thing also happened with "The Time Tunnel".
