Parallel Universe?

What's this about Darien's claim, which came out of nowhere, that the future that he's from is actually a parallel universe, and events in the present wouldn't affect anything where he's from? This seems like a poorly-conceived concept. If Darien's world is a parallel universe, then how can he place ads in the newspaper that can be be read by the Chief?


Spirit of Supergirl


That's essentially what I said in my comment of May 21, 6 days before your original post (click on Check for other user comments).


I don't see it.


Spirit of Supergirl


I must have been referring to my review, which can be found at


Because the Darian from the future in the parallel universe that he is in is in his past placing the exact same ads. It makes no less sense than putting money in his bank account from the future.

If I have learned nothing from television it is that logic doesn't apply to time travel. Logic can't apply to time travel because time travel itself is a logical paradox. The only way to reconcile it is to trow out everything that you believe you know about linear time and let the show explain its own rules.


When talking about time travel, I think that people should go with "The Doctor's Theory".

According to The Doctor, "People assume that time is a straight progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear non-subjective view point, it's more like a big ball of wibbley wobbley, timey wimey... stuff..."

lol just thought I should put in my two-cents :P


Embrace the paradox. :P

"I regret that I have but one life to give to rock and roll!"
- Rock and Roll High School


Time Travel gives me a headache.


watching the pilot again, i noticed that the description of parallel universe, they are using the wrong terminology. They seem to be referring to higher dimensions, in that the trax machine uses higher dimensions to travel across the space-time continuum, it seems they assume that at these higher dimensions, travel across the temporal dimension becomes much more versatile, instead of one way travel, two way travel becomes possible.

at least that's one possible explanation.


Actually it's pretty clever. In the real world, it's impossible to travel back in time without creating a paradox. Anything you do in the past will affect the future, preventing you from going back in time.

The show solves this by going back in time, to a parallel universe. You can send people between "present" and "future" but nothing you do now will affect the future.

Of course, the show do break this rule more than a few times.

This comment was typed in front of a live studio audience.
