Misty Mountain song

Does anyone remember the episode that featured a country singer? I forget the gist of that ep but there was a song she sang that Dale sang with her sitting in a barn I believe. The song was called Misty Mountain I think. It was very pretty.

I don't suppose there's anywhere to download that song, is there?

I miss this show :(


Aaahh, "Beautiful Songbird". One of my very favorite episodes. At the airport while waiting for a flight, he sees someone that looks like his favorite singer, and is stunned.

"Excuse me. Is your name Caitlin Carlyle?"
"That's what my momma told me."
"It's a thrill to meet you. I just love your music."
"Really..? Well.."
"Can I shake your hand?"
"Yeah. Sure. Really? Well, where'd you hear me sing?"
"On VidPix."
"Excuse me?"
"On television. I heard you on television."

Then he realizes he's met her before she's become famous. She hasn't even got a recording contract yet. And that's where the beauty of this episode lies. It isn't Darien being future-cop, chasing a fugitive criminal from two centuries ahead, it's Darien himself, as a person, who he really is that gets to shine through so brightly in this episode. In fact, there was a scene in the first airing, where SELMA gets on his case about helping Caitlin with one of her own songs. She can't seem to get it the way she thinks it should be, so Darien asks if he can borrow her guitar and he plays the lick on it, and she gets all excited because that's exactly the sound she was looking for. She's down on herself for not being able to come up with it, and he says "You would have, eventually." And then she asks him to play it so she can sing along and he joins in on the chorus. She's freaked that he knows the words because she just wrote the song, and he just says "I'll see you at the show tonight." So in the bathroom he and SELMA get into an arguement where she accuses him of "grandstanding" and he yells "It was just a lick!" He snaps her with his towel and she disappears and he's mad.

The song he helps her with is called "Misty Mountain" and I liked it so much that I taped it onto a cassette by putting the recorder next to the TV and playing that part of the episode on the VCR.

Honkin' horns and rumblin' subways
haunt my days and hurt my ears
come the night my dreams are shattered by a string of nameless fears
in the dark I fold my hands
close my eyes and then I hear
lofty pines on Misty Mountain
whistlin' winds that call to me
come on, come on, they sing my darlin'
to a land that's wild and free
come on, come on, my will my darling
cause true love's waitin' there, for me

I love this episode, and I think I may have seen it the most, of all the ones I have been lucky enough to see. They show Darien mostly as a man with no life, from what I can recall. He grew up an orphan, who never knew his parents, and part of a minority in the future he is from. He becomes a policeman, and all of his energy and interest is channelled into that. Aside from the one painting he did of his mother (from an old photo he'd had since birth, I think?), which they based SELMA upon, there's nothing that shows any interests he may have had before becoming a policeman. But this episode changes that. It lets the real Darien, Darien the actual person inside, not just Darien the policeman, shine through. He and SELMA actually get into an arguement and he yells at her. I saw the episode aired again, and they'd sadly cut that scene out.

There is, of course, also a criminal from the future, played deliciously by John de Lancie (Q from "Star Trek"). So it's all around just an awesome episode.


I remember it now :) Thanks! Yes, I had taped it as well like you did but have lost the tape and sadly, have never seen the show again after the mid 90's.

I don't get why they cut scenes on a rebroadcast. Happens too often too. I remember him snapping Selma with the towel now that you mention it. If this ever does get a DVD release, at least I'll know I"m not mad when I'm scratching my head thinking "Didn't they have an argument and he snapped her with the towel?"

I wish I had taped this series when it originally aired.

Thanks for your reply :)


I always thought that the network, or someone higher than the producers, didn't want to show Darien and SELMA ever having a disagreement, as it might "make the audience uncomfortable" or something like that. So they cut the scene. A lot of bull if you ask me.


I agree with you


It was probably the fact that he snapped her with the towel, some tv exec probably thought it showed a violent side to Darien so they nixed it. Wish this was available on DVD, I can barely remember bits of it but as I was reading the description above I was like 'yes yes I remember that', clear as day.

Anyone remember when Darien's old partner (I think, not sure) had a computer like SELMA but there was a younger sexier woman used for the hologram and SELMA was not impressed. What was the other computer called?


Actually, the last six episodes of season one all had bits cut out of them when they were aired again as repeats during season two. This was to allow for more commercials. They just picked scenes that weren't as important to the plot to cut out. The same thing was done for Kung Fu: The Legend Continues. I sure would like to see the uncut versions of these episodes.


Firstly - I have the uncut episode 'Beautiful Songbird' and you are correct Darrion does whip SELMA with a towel, after telling her she is jealous of his friendship with Caitlin Carlisle. I hope that puts youre mind at rest.

Secondly - If you like the songs from that episode (season 1 episode 18) I have made a compilation and uploaded it to YouTube.com - entitled 'Kassie DePraiva in Time Trax' hope it brings back some memories


Kris Stevens


The link is no longer valid.


is the correct link.

Thanks for the video Kris.

I believe this song was written for this episode only since I have never seen it elsewhere. I loved the song so it'd be nice to see it on Kassie's website.

I thoroughly enjoyed the episode and it's too sad that they had to butcher the episode since I believe that the scene with Selma was funny. Showed us that there was a human side to Selma, as proven in many other Time Trax episodes. So she was more than "just" a computer with no feelings.

I remember watching the show when it originally aired on German TV and I still enjoy watching it. It may seem "cheap" to others but it always had a special place in my heart. I hope they release this gem on DVD.

I highly recommend it to people who haven't seen it yet even if it never had a name as big as say Star Trek.


Thanks for the link to the video montage. I first saw this episode when I was 13 years old and the songs have been stuck in my head for the past 15 years! It was wonderful to finally hear them again.


This video has been removed. I would dearly love to see the uncut version of this episode or any episode of Time Trax.


The link I posted still works.

You can watch "Time Trax" right here


I posted the Misty Mountain scene on my Youtube page-


Visit my website: Voyagers Guidebook!~


I posted the Misty Mountain scene on my Youtube page-

Thanks so much for posting that Misty Mountain scene on Youtube! I loved that song and have wanted to listen to it for 23 years. You just made my day!!😀

BTW. It was great that you also included the airport scene too. That was my favorite ending to any Time Trax episode.
