Sepp Deitrich

At the end of the pilot he tells Darien that he can't shoot him with TXP because no one knows what 3 doses will do to a person. How did he already have 2 doses? They explained that time travel was a round trip. One dose of TXP sent you from the future to the past, the second dose returned you to the future. Since Sepp was in the past he had presumably only had one dose. How did he have 2 and he was still in the past? When Darien shoots him it's a third dose and this plays into a later episode.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but was he the guy that licked the envelope in his prison cell to escape? If so, that would be the first dose, then the second dose was to send him back to the past.

Most girls really freaks, and this is how they gotta make their money every week - D. Banner


When he licked the envelope it sent him to the past, that was the first dose. When Darien shot him in the past it was the third. What was the second?


Everyone keeps saying that Darien Lambert encountered Sepp Deitrich three times. I just finished watching the entire series- and I believe that only happened twice. The bad guy was just in the pilot episode and the later episode where we find out he was deformed instead of returning to the future. There was no third time- unless it was in an unaired episode that is not included on the DVDs.


The IMDb cast/character list confirms Sepp Deitrich made only two appearance.

Originality needs a reboot.


I saw that myself- which is why I doubted there was a third time. He never appeared in any episodes for Season 2. That had me wonder why they even kept him around if he never returned for an entire season.


The first episode aired in some places as a two-part episode and in some places as a long pilot episode. So if you count the pilot as 2 episodes he was in 3 of them. If you only count it as one, he was in 2 of them.

As to the mystery 3rd TXP use, I'm not sure how that worked either. But I believe it was said he had been back to the past once before. Maybe they aren't counting the "lick of the envelope" as a "Pellet" shot, which then would make it 3 times for the Pellets. Once to go back in time the first time, then back to the future, then lick of the envelope then the shot from Darien's Pellet. So, if you don't count the lick of the envelope, that would only be 3 shots of TXP Pellets. Other than that, I have no clue lol. Sometimes that is the problem that arises with multiple writers doing and writing different episodes, they don't really know what the other writers had done and also what may have been last minute script changes, etc.


Darien did encounter Sepp Dietrich three times.

He fought him in his time and captured him. Sambhi then teleported him out using the dose of TXP on the envelope. He then transported him to the past (second dose). Then Darian followed him and fought him in the past and zapped him (third dose) This all happened in the pilot episode.

Then in the episode 'Revenge' (S1 Ep 12), Darian encountered him again and discovered he had been disfigured. He beat him again (For the life of me, I cannot remember how Darian beat him in this episode. It's been a while)

So while Henk Johannes may only have appeared on the show twice, Sepp Dietrich did fight Darian three times and received three doses.
