The Jem Hadar.

Although, I like this episode.. I just can't understand WHY the U.S.S. Odyssey doesn't use torpedoes to destroy the three ships..!??! You see them using minimal phasers on them, but that's it.. I know their shields were useless, but the so called " let's only damage them and hit their engines" motto basically is what killed the ship.. I see three enemy ships that can penetrate our shields and do severe damage to us, I blow the $%? up, no questions asked..! :P


First of all, it's "Jem'Hadar".

Second, these are genetically-engineered supersoldiers with powerful, deadly and highly-manoeuvrable ships. I don't think torpedoes would work on such agile ships, and to be honest, they were caught off-guard by the Jem'Hadar doing kamikaze runs on their nacelle and warp core.


What ever the spelling..! There's various shots, where the Odyssey just shoots phasers, as well as the runabouts (that are supposed to be equipped with extra banks of photon torpedoes) that persue the ships..


You seem to have a hard-on for slower, take-time-to-aim and easier-to-evade photon torpedoes and favour them over much quicker-to-aim and just-as-powerful phasers.

Remember, it was the Federation's first time encountering Dominion ships, so they didn't know that much about the supersoldiers or how they would fight to the death every single time, crashing their fast-made and easily-expendable ships into their enemy targets en masse.

Would it really have made a difference in your eyes if the Odyssey HAD TRIED to use photon torpedoes?

Face it, the Odyssey (and the Federation at that point) were outclassed and outmatched by an unknown force, and the Odyssey was captained by a man arguably 10 years or so older than Picard! Of COURSE they were going to lose! And as DS9 showed us later, mere runabouts are certainly no match for much larger Jem'Hadar warships!


True. :)


They purposely made Captain Keogh of the Odyssey look arrogant leading up to his demise, I don't think any Galaxy-Class ships had been destroyed at that point and there was little reason to suspect a handful of Jem'Hadar fighters would be able to outmatch it. What they didn't expect was a full on kamikaze assault right into their engineering deck, which took out the warp core instantly, thus destroying the ship with all hands.


True, but always wondered if they really went with all hands.. or they off loaded the non-essential personnel like Dax mentioned...!
