worst theme music in the world

Duh duh duh duh

Duh duh duh der

Duh duh duh duh

Duh der duh duh duh der

Wtf is this *beep*



This theme music was awesome - and kicks Enterprise and Voyager to the curb.

If you want my honest opinion, the trumpeter TNG theme got on my nerves.


DS9 had the best theme music of all five series to date!


It sounds like something a small child made in their music class at school

It is all over the place

i have a ten minute posting quota because I called the imdb staff scumbags


Voyager had best Enterprise worst.


I think it's the best, by far.

Destroying an empire to win a war is no victory and ending a battle to save an empire is no defeat


I'm afraid I have to say that the intro theme really annoys me, and to make it worse, it lasts for almost 2 minutes!

It's not that I think it's bad per se, it just takes so long and I just want to see the series :) Also, if you're 'bingewatching', say on Netflix, normally they cut out the intro, but since DS9's intro is usually after a couple of minutes in, this doesn't happen.


What? The TOS and TNG and Voy and Ent opening music doesn't begin the show either. It comes after the first few minutes/intro/teaser.


No. Out of the orchestral openings Voyager had the worst hands down. It was a dreary repetitive mess with the worst closing section of any Star Trek score. DS9's could have been better, but it wasn't as inane as Voyager's. It has a great core that could have amounted to an amazing piece of music had it been panned out further. TNG's music was fine, but was just reused from the movies so not original, very mainstream and somewhat cliched.

And Enterprise's was just nasty crap on a stale cracker. Intended to be an emotional ode to space travel, it instead ended up being an irritating death requiem which only helped to kill off the old Trek shows. A large portion of fans chose not to watch simply because of the stupid song. The best part was the production knew this and stubbornly did nothing to remedy it.
