MovieChat Forums > SeaQuest DSV (1993) Discussion > Who else thought that Lucas was annoying...

Who else thought that Lucas was annoying?

I remember watching this show when I was little and enjoying it mainly because it's a Sci-Fi/sub show and Roy Scheider. It made the show seem more real with him in it.

But, Lucas was an annoying brat. I know that he was created just for the kids, but I didn't like him. Especially in the 2nd season. Every scene where he tries to act, his arms are always in that 'hugging himself' postion that got old real fast. For an example, check out the episode 'Playtime' when he has to turn off the mega-computer.

Who else thinks so?

"What do you people at home think?"
--Crow T. Robot


Not me. I thought Lucas was one of the best characters but then again I was 10 when the show first came on and Jonathan Brandis was one of my first crushes.


I agree. I was 17 and liked that character. But I only can say this for Season 1. I have stopped watching seaQuest DSV at the beginning of Season 2.


I hated him too.


Thought I'd already posted this... I hate to go against the flow, but the main reason this actually rather mediocre show lasted at ALL was Lucas. Seriously, it wasn't the sterling quality of the writing (sarcasm?), the guest-star power (remember William Shatner as a South American dictator?) the laughable special effects ("Battlestar Galactica", made twenty years earlier had better, "STTNG" was blowing it away at the same time, special-effects-wise) or the very tame science fiction (a la 'Lost In Space')/adventure/post-Miami Vice action. A legion of fans who were NOT interested in any of those things kept this series afloat, despite the head-offices' boneheadedly earnest attempts to sabotage it in every possible way.

Annoying character or not, they at least realized what the teen poster-patrol (their core audience, apparently) really wanted, until their meddling destroyed whatever positives the show had going for it.

"No fate but what we make." -Terminator II


actually, i did like him in the beginning... not a lot but he was alright - just a pretty typical teenager.

i did start to dislike him during the second season though... but he never really bothered me until season 3. that's when he really lets his arrogance hang out. it's almost unbearable for me to watch his stupid behavior... instead of maturing, i'd say he has actually grown more immature from season to season.


Oh, for crying out loud! He was NOT annoying! He was after all, a teenager, and we are at that time in our lives awkward aren't we? I thought he was the best thing about the show and as for his hugging himself or using his hands, that was his way of expressing himself. Watch any of JB's movies and see for yourself. He was always holding onto his hands when he spoke in that way and as for hugging himself, I do that too. It was part of his person, like how we frown or smile and I don't think it would have been easy for him to get rid of these little mannerisms even if he tried. I don't think he should have had to either. I think they're endearing. But let's not dwell on these things shall we? He's not here to explain himself, and if you're annoyed, then you're being annoyed by the wrong person. I thought the whole second season was annoying!!!!! The whole darn lot of exec's at NBC were annoying then and more so even now for canceling great shows like this and giving us swill like my name is earl! I stopped watching NBC years ago!!!


I didn't like how the character didn't mature... at all. It was the same arrogant person. I loved how he called Darwin HIS dolphin, not Bridger's.

It might have been that Brandis wasn't a good actor anyway.

If there ever were to be a seaQuest reboot, I would hope and pray that they would not include a Lucas character in it.

"What do you people at home think?"
--Crow T. Robot


Without Lucus, there WAS no Seaquest, so I guess you won't be happy either way. Then again, can't please everyone all the time..


"Without Lucas, there WAS no Seaquest" ? I think you overestimate the importance of the Lucas character, just a tad.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who found Lucas irritating. I am also a 'Star Trek' fan but felt as if I was watching the sea version of Wesley Crusher. Know-all 'genius' kids are annoying and have no place in sci-fi. If they were that desperate for a kid character, they should have cast Lucas in a semi-regular role as one of the crew's children who popped up every now and then.

"I always pretend to root for Gryffindors but, secretly, I love my Slytherin boys."~ Karen, W&G


I loved the lucas character but yet found star trek really dorky and annoying so go figure!

Oi! Oi! Oi!


The "kid's a genius" stunt only works if the kid can act like he is really of that caliber. I did not like Lucas because he was "too cool" and did not come across as "genius". He played the "angry kid" direction just fine.


Ooh I love Lucas! He's awesome dudes, he's such a cutie as well. I'm going against the grain, maybe because I'm one of those awkward teenagers too, but noo Lucas makes SeaQuest :P


This show was doomed from the moment they wrote the genius kid character. Do the Networks not learn anything from the Wesley Crusher debacle?

This should could have had a HUGE following with Roy Scheider in the lead and a serious Trek-like approach but they tried to have it both ways. By pandering to a teen audience they turned it into a a ridiculous "teen angst" show instead of a decent Sci fi.

Case in point: Charlton Heston guest stars as a slightly mad scientist. This guy is an icon of 60s and early 70s Sci Fi. Every fan from my generation would have tuned in to see that show. But they focused the whole story on wether or not Lucus was going to lose his virginity or not. ARE THESE PEOPLE INSANE???

If you've got Chuck Heston... you make him the focus of the episode.

Sure, the kids who tuned in liked Lucus. But they couldn't sustain a decent show pandering to that demographic.

There has been and continues to be a huge fan base who want smart, mature sci fi...

What a shame to waste Roy Schieder this way.


No, I didn't find Lucas annoying at all. They could have made a show that appealed to both a younger AND an older audience but they failed to do so because the writing wasn't consistent and good enough, that's all. I mean, giant crocodiles, greek gods, demons, mermaids and ghosts? Really? That's why the show failed, not because of Lucas.


Never once did I find Lucas annoying, nor were any of Jon Brandis' mannerisms annoying.


I find Lucas annoying now, but I didn't when I was a kid watching the show. At least for seasons one, two, and the first episode of 3, I was really into him. Then Michael Ironside sort of took over as the focal point of my nerd worship.

Honestly though, so few of the people on Seaquest could act at all. I'm not even sure how Ted Raimi got on there because as far as I know his brother wasn't involved in the show's production in any way. Every once in a while I try to go back and watch it again, but I feel so second-hand embarrassed for the people involved. I mean talk about kicking the camp up to 11. It seems to me that most of the people who look back on season one like it's the "doing it right" period of the show probably haven't seen it in a while. Even in the beginning it was bad. Don't get me wrong, though, I will always love Seaquest for how much fun I had watching it.

I agree with the person up there who mentioned the Heston episode with Lucas and his virginity BS. Even as a kid I was bothered by the subject of the episode, though not for the sake of who was guest starring. Also they could have used a lot fewer close-ups of the actors. It was unflattering, and during the third season most of them were uncomfortably sweaty.

Great premise, handled poorly. Casting Jonathan Brandis as a main character (and often THE main character) was a mistake in my opinion. Speaking of which, people, stop acting like your opinions are gospel and declaring in caps that Brandis' character was "NOT" annoying. Okay it's great you think that way, but clearly some of us disagree.
