Not as good as the Original

I did watch this show but it wasnt good as the original Saved By the Bell. Rembmbering correctly they changed characters and actors frequently. Finally they brought in Dustin Diamond aka "Screech" from the original Saved by the Bell. I prefer the original Saved by the Bell over the New Class.



I agree I could not get into "the new class" and I was shocked to see that it lasted 7 years.



I think that Saved By the Bell the New class is not as good as the first Saved By the Bell. I really enjoued the first Saved By the Bell I watched every episode the channel broadcast. The most episodes I have seen more than five times. The channel repeated the episodes over and over again. Fortunately
the channel broadcast Saded By the Bell college. I liked it, but not as much as the first Saved By the Bell. And there were only eighteen episodes. When I saw The New Class I was very suprised, but the school and the Mr. Belding looked very familiar but students not. Soon I realized that it was a new kind of Saved by the bell and I didn't liked that at all, because I hoped that the old characters would come back.


Not me. I like this one a whole lot better.


I like them both.I don't like the college years it kinda bores me but I like both SBTB and SBTB TNC.I have both SBTB's on DVd and I'm looking forward to Season 3 on DVd of TNC.

Bound To Destination anywhere yep that's me.
Not a fighter a writer.


It's just great that these TNBC shows are all coming out on DVD.



I didn't enjoy the new class so I didn't watch it long. I've seen previews where the cast was constantly being changed. I had two problems with the show. They were very poor actors and they tried so hard to be comedy comedy comedy that it felt like a neverending SNL skit. I couldn't relate to any of the characters.



This is pure amercian *beep* !!

End of!!


