how come screech came back?

well, how come?


because he probably couldn't get a job anywhere else


I didn't really care why he came back. I thought he was funny Mr. Belding's assisstant.



Cuz Dustin's "career" took a header...right into the shiitter!


Dustin had a career? :) His career highlights were playing an obnoxious nerd on SbtB and playing himself in the movie Made. Last thing I saw him doing was that Celebrity Boxing crap. Sad... I almost felt sorry for him when I saw him in Dickie Roberts playing a has been "former child tv star." Not much of stretch there I'm afraid..

Nothing against Dustin or anything. He just better enjoy those royalty checks he gets from SbtB because he's going to need them.



LOL! Taken from the article:

"Their love story began, oddly enough, over a Beef 'n Cheddar at Arby's."

Why am I not surprised? I'm glad he's found someone, but sorry; that's just incredibly lame...

