used to be an extra on it

hey you guys i used to be an extra on this show, and on hang time. I don't remember much. people were nice, i liked the other extras; i remember tammy, and rob, a redheaded girl who also played the little mermaid at disneyland parades, and a guy named josh who i bumped into 10 years later. very random. i was really young, it was my high school job. one of the fun parts was when we would arrive (the extras) on the shooting days, the live studio audiences of preteens (i think they were actually paid) couldn't tell the difference between the real actors and the extras, so for like half an hour before the show, everytime they caught a glimpse of us, they would scream or ask for autographs. weird. that was my false taste of celebrity. if you are wondering, yes the video games did actually work at the diner, so i got to play them all the time when we shot there. in high school that is a dream job. wouldn't want to do it again now though, it would be like going back to high school. i make more money now at a real job, and i look too old now anyway. :)


Cool. I've gotta ask, what was Dustin Diamond like? Was he still relitively normal back then? He seems like such a pathetic person now with the "Save Screech's House" shirts and the dirty sanchez sex tape. I kind of feel sorry for him.

