If the 1st year was a failure and they were adding Screech
If the 1st year was a failure and they were adding Screech anyways why did they not try to go back to a "Good Morning Miss Bliss" format where it is about (a straight Screech the guy from the "College Years") trying to balance College, Dating, a social life minus his best bud Zach that has moved away, and teaching what is left of the New Class cast.
Belding could of givin him advice as a Teaching intern...
This format worked for many shows "Welcome Back Kotter, Head of the Class, Charles in Charge...etc.
In fact that is what it seemed like they were doing during season 2 but it was harder cause then they couldn't just rewrite old SBTHB scripts.
Also after seeing that the writers couldn't handle any other place then school I would never let them write adv. of Belding and Screech working at a mall.
Belding is a Principal granted he only owens 1 suit but why would he need a 2nd job. Screech as Belding assistant probably made like $7 a hour to work at the school so him I can understand. Granted wasn't screech a Super Genious up untill that episode of the College Years wher he got hooked on Helium.
Yep I finaly figured it out without Slater around to stop the other Frat boys from influincing him he Got hooked to huffing Helium that explains him becoming a bafoon at work, speaking in a high pitched squeal when he hadn't up to that point, never getting a descent job, never graduating College, alays needing money for his next fix...So that is the explanation for SBTBTNClass