I agree with you. I loved the cast changes. Even though my favorite cast was from season 2, I still enjoyed the cast changing every season. I remember every fall looking at an ad in a magazine for the new T-NBC lineup and looking at a cast picture for SBTB:TNC and trying to spot who was new and who wasn't there anymore.
The only thing I didn't like about the cast changes were that, for the most part, the characters left without explanation. Scott, Weasel, Vicki, Brian, Bobby, Megan and RJ all just vanished and the others acted as if those characters never existed. The same goes for the new comers: Brian, Bobby, Rachel, Eric and Katie all came acting as if they had always been there.
I think that when they made the new class they should have Slater, Zack, Kelly, Lisa, Jessie, Samuel(scheech) & Nicky & Mikey all be teacher's to the new group of kids. Scheech as the asst. to Belding, Slater as the gym teacher/Football coach/Wrestling coach. Zack as the vice princable. Jessie as the English teacher. Kelly as Volleyball girls coach. Lisa as the Home ec/Fasion teacher. Nicky as the math teacher & Mikey as history teacher. That would have been awesome if they did that with the 1st ones teaching the new group of kids. But that is my opion but lets hear what you all think.
"Allen, you are a film genius! I think you should contact NBC in New York and tell them your idea. I think they would do it. The hott storylines with Mr. Belding, Screech, Zack and Slater would be so effin hott. I can't imagine the hott stuff Slater would do to Screech after every wrestling practice. I'm getting hott just thinking about it. And Mr. Belding for christ sake that guy is awesome......in bed. Later Allen aka hott brother. Love, billy"
LOL! Why does this show have such a large gay following?
I love the original SBTB Cast and the New Class from Season 1 to 7. It be great idea for NBC to bring it back, if they do, I think one of the new students should be Mr. Belding's son Zack Belding, he would be high school age about now. and it be great that they have a mix of the old cast and new class come back as teachers or counselors. But no Screech please.