Unrealistic protrayal of young people

Is it just me, or was there a point in time when watching the show that it just started to irritate the hell out of some of y'all that these people didn't curse, didn't drink, didn't smoke...(unless it was some sort of 'special' we must save this person from themself episode) etc.

I know, I know. it's a sitcom who targets ten year olds but at some point you have to say c'mon! I think this show would have lasted had they made the characters even a teensy weensy bit more realistic. Have beers at the Frat House. Have them say crap and damnit occasionally.

Anyway, anybody agree with me?


absolutely, that's all I did in college.


I couldn't agree with you more!! Well said!!

"I call 'em like I see 'em!"

"I'm here all week!"


No offense to any of you, but it wouldn't have been the same without the whole 'perfect-good-unrealistic-virginal' thing to it. That's what makes it such easy and simple viewing- in a good way!

Gotta love Saved By The Bell!!!!!


i was rooting for Screeh to finally get some poo na nay i you gotta be hittin it by college when chicks are more uninhibited


OMG i was just thinking about this! even as far back as when they were in high school...extremely unrealistic! the only semi-reaslitic aspects were Jessie's medication addiction and when Zack, Slater and Lisa drove drunk.I understand that it was supposed to be "family oriented" but c'mon! There was 0 sex, the only person who worked was Kelly (and Slater in college), there was 0 sex or even mention of it. But it was still a cute lil show



Wasn't there an episode during the "College Years" where they attended a rave (or threw a rave or something...) and they had Screech steal some nitrous so they could all get high?? Or am I crazy? I swear I remember that...


Another person talked Screech into stealing the nitrous because Screech wanted to be cool.


I think that the drinking and sex is hinted at, of course it still is trying to appeal to kids so doesn't have them on screen but
unless you didnt watch the high school episodes i dont think you would be expecting it anyway as it wasnt in the originals.

Hilda: What's my bra doing on the roof?
Salem: Erm, the squirrels needed a nutfeeder...


It was a unrealistic protrayal because there is no way a geek like Screech would be hanging out with Zack OR Slater in college


That's what makes it so special! There doesn't need to be all that stuff on TV to make it entertaining. I'm entertained watching it without all that unnecessary crap. I went through 4 years of college without ever doing any sex, drugs, cussing, whatever. Yes, it is possible. I actually cheered and got excited while watching the pilot episode and Zack takes a beer can from someone and says, "Hey, we don't do that!" I said, "Yes!" when he did that! Yes, it was The College Years, and yes, that stuff does happen in college. I'm not denying it, but this show was geared toward a younger audience who didn't need to see that stuff and if something did come up where questions were asked, it would have been a great opportunity for parents to sit down with their kids and discuss it. Sorry to go all PSA on everyone! LOL!

Naley ~Always & Forever~



There was 0 sex??
Were we watching the same series??? Let's see, just off the top of my head:

Zack bones:
-Slater's little sister
-A crippled girl
-A fat girl
-A Homeless girl (yes, Zack boned a homeless girl!
-A Lesbian (Tori)
-Staci Carosi, the boss's daughter
-He tries to bone Ben Stiller's wife (Christine Taylor)
-He tries to bone the school nurse
-Rhonda Robestelli
-I think he bones Leslie from College
-He tries to bone Punky Brewster
-Belding's niece (but she thought he was Screech)
-Screech's cousin (to make Kelly jealous)
-He tried to bone that stacked chick first week of school, but Slater cock-blocked him (and then Zack cock blocked him

And that's just Zack!!! Other examples of sex in the series: Slater and Jessie, Slater and Denise Richards, Slater and Alex, Slater and that mexican activist chick, Screech and the tennis pro, Screech and Violet Bickerstaff, Lisa and that freshman, Jessie and that nerdy Graham environmental activist guy, Kelly and Melvin Nerdy, Kelly and her proffesor, and on and on and on...


Jessie's addiction wasn't even realistic, that bitch was addicted to CAFFEINE PILLS for crying out loud!!!!



he has sex w/ kelley but only until like the end of the college years...at the very end...but yea i mean the reason i watch it now is b/c i was little when it first came on so when i watch the show it seems like so cheesy its hilarious...but yea this was a completely unrealistic display of college life maybe if they went to BYU or Bob Jones or a religious college where everyone was forced to live on campus...but realistically college isn't what they showed on tv....while there are ppl who are pretty pure for the most part everyone is *beep* not all of them

These crabcakes are good as a mug!! I f@$%ks with these crabcakes!!! -ann coulter via the boondocks





