What an Awful Show

I had never seen this show before, but the wedding episode is on right now, and it is one of the worst shows I've ever seen.

These people couldn't act at 16, and they couldn't act at 23. The car chase scene just happened, and the three cars were shown on the same stretch of road, with the same 15 cars driving at about 10 mph as they went by.

If you notice, everyone on the whole street is lined up along the side walk, watching the taping of the show. They aren't even walking at all!

Horrible! Bad concept, bad show in general.


You must be referring to the "Wedding in Las Vegas" TV movie. It was totally putrid, but was seperate from the College years show, which was pretty bad as well. It was aired in October of 1994 and was the final installment of the SBTB franchise. Hard to believe that the quality original series (sans the first year anyway)had degenerated into such sheer nonsense. I can't even watch the Wedding episode anymore. The College years aren't a whole lot better either.


The college years wasn't bad it has held up pretty well over time just like the original and even the 1st time they left bayside and did the summer episodes/JR HIGH.

The movie was bad because unless Zack and the gang were in a school enviroment, then most of the plot lines did not work.

The movie was bad because it was a year later and for some reason they were trying to make it bigger and better than the show also 90210 and Dawsons Creek were popular at the time so hey were trying to make it in a bigger scope like those show while still putting in some of the stupid comedy elements from the original series


dawson's creek wasnt even on air when Wedding in las vegas was televised. what r u talking about.


I don't think I'll ever understand why people come on message boards to the shows/movies they don't like! I guess it's a message board for ALL to speak their opinions, but why bother typing in something on a show you don't like. People do like it and negative comments are hard to read when you like something so much. Just wanted to say that!

Naley ~Always & Forever~


Because these discussions are meant for all types of opinuosn bad and good they aren't fan boards.


Exactly!! Well said.


It actually turns out that this film is considered to be far greater than Citizen Kane.

