cliffhanger episode

i havent seen this show in years, but i seem to remember one cliffhanger episode in which Kelly in in an office with a professor. She leans in for a kiss, and i believe zach was around somewhere. for years, i have been wondering if she had gone through with it or if they pulled the punch to appease american audiences.

i know this is rather random, but its one of those mysteries from my childhood. thanks!


She kissed him.

Zack saw it.

Kelly and Professor Lasky began dating.

Jealous Zack outs them.

Kelly and Lasky go to costume ball. Zack wears same costume as Lasky and kisses Kelly (Kelly thinking it is Lasky).

Kelly assails Zack.

Lasky realizes it won't work (because of age gap) breaks off relationship.

In later episodes, Zack tries to win Kelly back. Kelly again begins pining for Lasky. Zack tries harder. Kelly finally gets over Lasky.

Show gets canceled.

Wind up movie made with Kelly and Zack marrying in Las Vegas.


Awesome! Thanks for that! Now I know :)
