college (in real life)

In real life, if you try to sit in a class that you are not signed up for, then the instuctor rudely and embarrisngly asks to leave. That has happened to me 3 times, those instructors have hurt my feelings and make me want to cry. I fell that i should be able to sit in any class that i PLEASE AT ANYTIME. I feel that his is some hidden racial dicrimaination. Because wah twould happen if if i try to sit ina class idid not sign up for and refuse to leave. waht will they do?
Also, i hate that in college the insructors do not give you any points for any of your grades they just let you suffer and do not care if you turn in your work on time or not. I also had a samrt-ass tutor named vann-lackey who would fuss at me constantly and say that he wasn't fussing at me. He would yell and slam doors and be real imaptient with me. When i would say excuse me, he would rudely say well excuse me? and put out his hand like like he was politely letting me out first. I belive that james vann lackey was a smart ass and a racist little fool saying he wasn't trying hurt my feelings but he did. He would fuss at me saying "I am not talking about what i said, I am talking about what you did." you know bull like that. He would answer my same qusetion with the same question. I persoanlly wanted to kick his apple-eating, gray haired looking, wrinkled up 40 year old looking former math tutor, samrt aleck ass. And james vann lackey if you are reading this go *beep* yourself yo uwhite supremacist mother *beep* I really hope i get to kick your ass one day. You was problably picked on as a kid. And to those other instructors who hurt my feelings too. Anyone who reads will you please give an objective opioion about what i wrote? please? My name is wayne and goodbye.


will someone respond please? I am very serious about these questions and comments that i posted.


Well, what you tell is really sad. Your tutor was so hard with you!
But why did you sit in a class in which you were not signed up for?


Because i thought the instructors would not mind, I was in a too relaxed state of mind at the time. And i thought the instructors would not have noticed me there . and ithought i could get by with it. but it turns out that i was wrong.




Hello son, it is I Mr. James vann Lackey. I am sorry if you felt I was picking on you when you were attending college. I am surprised and astounded that you could feel that way. I was never picking on you but thought you were simply another idiot I was going to have to spoon feed information too. Luckily I was mistaken because you are even too stupid to take the info spoon fed and so I was able to really meet a remarkable retard!. Due to you complete lack of IQ I was able to write a paper and doctoral thesis on the empty mind of of a fool. I mean lets face were even to dumb to go to the right classes. At least the research I gained from observing some one of your low intellect served me well. My career and wealth have taken off to the furthest heights! Thank you and I will make sure I stop by the burger joint you call work to help spread my wealth.--Sincerely, James


Hello Lackey, this is Wayne again your comments alone just confirmed what i just typed about you, you little *beep* I hope that you never tutor or teach a college class or step into another college for as long as you live you
smart aleck, samrt ass, so-called honest saying *beep* Go *beep* yourself,you arroagant picked on as a child retard.


Tsk tsk tsk son, you are obviously disturbed since you are definately lacking intelligence. The first recourse for one with little brain power is to use the term racist to explain why he failed so miserably. You are the worst kind, one that can't spell, write, or speak like a human. I find it very sad that your generation is so pathetic and liberal. I hope your job at whatever dollar store or fast food place that hires you is a good one so you can move into your ghetto aprtment and live with all the cockroaches you want! But if it doesn't work out the college is always looking for some new janitors and after a few years (if you haven't stolen anything at that time you could be head janotor and be making $7.50 a week!--Sincerely, Lackey


Oh my God! This is horrible.


Yes I certainly agree that people like the student I have been talking to are horrible people. Hopefully he will never waste a college's time again by going there and goofing off and then blaming his failure to be anything more then an idiot on the people teaching him. That individual was definately a filthy Democrat based on his willingness to toss around "racism" labels, not taking the blame for his own failure, and the fact that he is incredibly stupid. Hopefully, he will find peace with a sub-minimum wage job picking up toxic waste or working at a Burger King. Good luck jerk.

Von Lackey


Vann Lackey, you are nothing more then a dumbass, dumb-stump, dirt- floor cracker. I guess racism does not exist anymore. I also do not like black people who are just as mean, cold-blooded, bullying, stupid, ignorant and as smart- aleck as you and some of your white supremacist collegues are by raising their voicess and making a scene, because i hate your guts and anyone else who is evil in general and i do not like. I want to slap the taste out those people's mouths and beat them up physically, but then i realize that i cannot act on my thoughts. But it is still no crime to think about it. So F... you jerk and good luck to being an a;;;hole This is wayne again and now i reside in huntsville, alabama.


James Vann Lackey you got nothing to say now do you? Because you know that I am right about you. I know you saw my last message. To me you are still a dump stump, dirt floor, white trash, ofay,wrinkrled, cracker ass carcker impatient white supremacist, pasty- faced mother *beep* and i also blame those kids who bullied me when i was in grade school. I still want to beat the mup to this day. Those bullies are the reason that i cannot get a girlfriend or wife now or ever. Nobody takes bullying seriously, beacuse no one cares. I was accused of being a sissy, dumb, stupid, ugly and homo. So I blame your shouting, door-slamming, impatient, smart-aleck ass and those group of male and female bullies who teased me and mentally, physically, and psychology harassed me to the umpteenth power. So you will say nothing else huh? You or that other bitch who responed also. If you have nothing else to sayto me then *beep* YOU!!!!!!



Hello Wayne,

I apologize for not responding sooner since some of us have jobs and lives that don't revolve around posting on the post board for Saved by the Bell the College Years. Now if you remember I once said that the research I did on your stpidity has enriched me! You will be happy to know that I have received my doctorate in ignoramus Studies from Yale. Thank you for your idiocy for it has made me more sucessful then my wildest dreams. It puts a smile on my face to know that my teasing and the taughts of real students has made it so that you will never have a relationship and thus procreate. The world will be spared from having to survive anymore Waynes although that means I will never get the pleasure of failing another moron as stupid as you. Plus who will real students mock and who will be the future janitors of America when you kill yourself for being a failure if you dont reproduce? Maybe you being a total tool is a good thing cause without clowns like you with IQ's of empty mayonnaise jars who would do the crap jobs that normal people with fully functioning brains turn down. So, in truth I did a good thing in making you fail. That makes me smile. Oh yeah you are a racist by the way as well.--Sincerely, Vann Lackey


James Vann Lackey, after all these years, I still hate you and still feel that you are a vann "cracker" and i hate some of m yown realtives too. i have one that is as smart aleck and uppity and opinionated as you, so i still hate college and will never sit foot foot in there again, so *beep* you, i will rather blame the world then take responsiblity for my own actions. the name is wayne *beep*


Dear Wayne,

It is I James Vannne Lackey. I am still a powerful, rich, and sexy professor. After sleeping with my girlfriends three years ago I realized you gave me clues to where you lived. I visited Warren in Mobile and got your adddress. He says your mom is stinking up his house. Please come and get her. Anyway I could really use a refresher in stupidity. Are you available to tutor me? I know you don't have a job because I still continue to follow you. I'm watching you from the woods as I type. Nice couch by the way. Anyway after beating up your mom and Warren I'm coming for you next. Have a nice life beep beep sucka.

Sincerely and Best Wishes,

James Van Lackey

P.S. I'm rich!


man *beep* you! you smart ass dickhead, I would like to kick your ass from here to L.A. so *beep* you, you bitch ass *beep* always saying that just the way it is! well excuse me! with your hand out like i am trying upstage you. "You're not trying to hurt my feelings." Well you did *beep* and because of that and other things, i will never set foot in a college 2-year, 4-year or otherwise again. Because everything there is a *beep* "privilige" so *beep* them and *beep* you too!!!! you paleface apple eating *beep*


This is probably my favorite thread on any IMDB board. The fact that you guys have carried this on over several years is hilarious. Bravo!


Is this for real? You have got to be kidding.

*New York City such a beautiful disease*


It is the real deal alright my neanderthal friend. Wayne if you get this please note you are a total idiot. People like you shouldn't be allowed in higher education because you pretend there is racism everywhere just because your too stupid to think for yourself. People like you who make excuases for your shortcomings disgust me. Please go back to the ghetto you crawled out from and get back on welfare. Hopefully you will eventually get arrested and put away so you won't bother anybody ever again. You are scum.

Von Lackey


James Vann Lackey you aree a racist and racism still exists you punk ass , smart ass mother *beep* Beacuse you use the words ghetto and act as if racism is all over with. This is me Wayne you white trash, ofay, paleface, appleeating, honky, wrinkled up, shouting mf. I can tell when white people are racist when they get impatient with you and shout at you for any little question that you ask them. You say words like jerk and idiot when I know you want to say something else. You want to say the n-word. So why don't you be honest yourself and just be a man about it and say it. Because I knew this white trash guy named Warren, he was alright when he was in a good mood. But when he go into a bad mood, he would be a smart ass, shout at you saying *beep* like you know that that is! and blah blah blah. He problably used racial slurs behind closed doors much like yourself. I know there is still racism in colege, because the way the instructors say they will not give nothing and that your mama might love but the world don't and the insructor yelling at you and emabarassing you saying were about to have class! and your sitting in someone else's seat say it all to me. You are the one who is scum. I know out there in college and the real world I have an automatic (at least one ) against me because I am black. No matter what you say, there is still hidden bias out there and you *beep* know it! bitch! you little *beep* So I would consider hidden bias of any kind a valid mother *beep* excuse you *beep* pussy. I can problably never date anyone white or anyone else of another race, because their parents say racial slurs behinf closed doors and do not want their daughters (or sons) to date or bring home anyone of another race and you damn well know about it too whether you want to admit or not. I can flirt with white women, but as far as daitng them or having the oppurtunity too. I know that it will not happen because of race. So that's another way to *beep* with someone. So go *beep* yourself JAMES VANN LACKEY and whether I still og to colege is none of your damn business so see yo ulater jerk.


the guy's name was warren williams who now resides in mobile, alabama.


In all honestly, it depends on the teacher or the college. I don't think racism is involved, but some classes don't like non members to watch since the subject can be controversal. In one of the art classes I was in, the professor would kick out non students since the course hired nude models. In universities, they have the option for the student to show up without being enrolled via some sort of application.


In what world are you living in that you think it is ok in any way shape or form to sit in a classroom that you dont belong in? I go to college, its bad enough having to deal with the people that are supposed to be in there. Please, if you are trying to argue with someone atleast make sure that you're spelling things right like college! You really need to get over the fact that you're a black man in the whites man world. I am white and I'm not rich... just kidding, HURRAY MONEY! But still, i have to work just as hard to get to where i would like to be in life, and when i sit in the wrong class i too get thrown out. OK, i have to go watch Slash. Thank you, vote smart, vote republican.


Hey Wayne! It's me , Warren! Whats really going on, coonerific? Catch any snowflakes lately? LOL ROFL


Really tutor boy I think it is time that you check your spelling as well my friend! Definately? Janotor? And should I even dare get into sentence structure? Maybe you should stop picking on others if you can't even construct a proper sentence yourself!


WTF does this have to do with the show???

"I call 'em like I see 'em!"

"I'm here all week!"


I'm surprised the guy even went to college with the way he talks/types. They must not practice grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. at that school.


Why the hell did it take you 3 times to realize that you can't just randomly sit in on any class you want to? Jesus, now wonder your tutor was rude to you. I felt like I was reading a foreign language when I could barely decipher your post due to all the spelling and grammar mistakes. Your tutor wasn't like that because of race. He was like that because you are an idiot.


This thread is pathetic.
Obviously a teacher is going to throw you out of a class that you aren't signed up for!
And I seriously doubt that that person is your old professor. To believe that he is your professor is quite frankly stupid.
Would it not be a massive coincidence if it were actually him? That the exact person you are complaining about found this exact thread, on this exact board?
Why on earth would a college professor be looking at a stupid spin-off of Saved By The Bell on IMDb? They probably wouldn't even know it existed.
What a joke this thread is! You can't actually be serious!


The guy clearly wasn't the actual professor, just a troll. For one thing, the poster also had some elementary grammar mistakes (your instead of you're; to instead of too, for example), and he spelled his name differently half the time (Von versus Vann).


Why on earth would a college professor be looking at a stupid spin-off of Saved By The Bell on IMDb?


To exchange burger joint insults with former students, duh.


Why post on this website? Simple. I follow my old student Wayne wherever he goes to point out how much of a loser he is. "I goes to clasroms and sit in sid and I am yeledd at b/c me am dumb. Kolege bad." Jesus, Wayne you are worse off now then you were back at school, no wonder you got fired from Burger King for stealing napkins and week old dumpster cabbage.

P.S. Tell you mom she really needs to shower in the morning.

Van Lackey
