Screech and Leslie

Why didnt they jsut pair them off with one another. After Zack and Leslie dont work out, it seems she and Screech kind of got closer. The writers seemed to make Leslie pretty irrelevant toward the end of the show.

"You win some, you lose some. But you live, you live to fight another day."


I never cared much for Screech in the college years. I felt he was trying too hard to keep the nerdy act. I really disliked Leslie. I'm glad they didn't pair Zack with Leslie, because they had zero chemistry. Same with Slater. She was like a Jessie type, but Jessie was a better character, and looker.

They actually could have worked together.

My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather


The writers were trying to make Screech a more mature character, but yet keep the oddness of him intact. I dont want to be the person to repeat this in all my posts but they even had an episode where Screech gets the girl over Zack showing that the rules between them and their friendship from junior high and high school has changed somewhat in a college environment. Screech and Leslie endgame should've been just right considering the shock Lisa would've had in those last few episodes she appeared in.

Unfortunately, the Screech charcter began to regress into cartoon nerdishness once Saved by the Bell: The New Class came around.

'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'


I thought they should have paired them together as well. That one episode where she pretended he was her boyfriend was oddly endearing. Plus the two (especially Leslie) did virtually nothing as the show progressed. It was obvious Leslie was there just for Zack, but once Kelly came back they threw her to the side. So why not pair her off with Screech? Don't see what it would have hurt.


"It was obvious Leslie was there just for Zack, but once Kelly came back they threw her to the side. So why not pair her off with Screech? Don't see what it would have hurt."


'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'


I kinda think I would have preferred Leslie with Slater than Alex. I always thought Alex & Slater were an odd match, but I think he & Leslie would have been cute together.
