Brunch with Mel...
The 17th episode of the 7th season was called "Whine club". This is the episode where opinions about Mel are formed and Niles bypasses Frasier in the wine club and becomes cork master.
The episode produces a superficial view of the Mel character and results in animus about her that is unfounded and stupid.
The brunch scenes last no more than 2 minutes. Tell me if they make any sense.
Roz asks Mel if she would like a Bloody Mary. Mel replies that it is a bit too early in the day to drink. A response that is logical and responsible given her profession. Roz makes a sarcastic comment about it not being too early and instantly hates this person she knows nothing about. Roz in fact is the point person in the hate Mel club. A few seconds later Roz quips "Brunch for Mel or brunch from hell?" What did Mel do to deserve that? Nothing. So Roz hates Mel for no logical reason. Mel did not insult her in any way. Many people have insulted Roz on this show. Niles, Julia and Bulldog but not Mel.
Martin, Martin is justifiably irked by Mel's attitude towards dogs and her belief that dogs should not be in the room where people are eating. So? Irked is not the same as hate or despising somebody. Again she says nothing insulting or hurtful to Martin.
Frasier. Frasier is still butt hurt that Niles upstaged him for cork master. He instantly hates Mel when he finds out Mel encouraged Niles to run for cork master. He carries on how she is "emasculating" him(Niles). Emasculating, really? Seems the opposite to me. Encouraging Niles to be the top person in a club that is important to him is building him up. It's love. Frasier is full of crap.
Daphne, she has no interaction with Mel at all. Her drunkenness is probably the result of her feeling uncomfortable about Mel because she has feelings for Niles. Still her actions are tied in with this general attitude that Mel is a bitch so everybody is drinking and miserable.
When you break it down Mel is basically a female Niles. Brilliant,thin, professionally accomplished, germophobic and finicky. You don't hate Niles so why hate Mel?