Title of episode

Frasier runs into an older actor that he remembered in programs when he was (I think) a child. Frasier and Niles convince him to do a live performance. As it turns out, the actor is terrible. Frasier and Niles try a variety of ways to stop the show, but it doesn't work. The actor drags himself onto the stage.


"The Show Must Go Off"


Possibility the greatest episode of the whole run, mainly thanks to Derek Jacorbi


It's definitely on my list of best Frasier episodes. I still laugh as hard as I did when I first saw it.


Frasier: Oh, his Lear. Oh gosh, that brings back memories.
Here, let me turn up the volume.

Jackson: Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! Rage, blow!
You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout
till you have drrrrrrrrrrrrench'd our steeples,
drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrown'd the cocks!

Absolutely fantastic!

Turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream


Thanks a bunch.
