Rolling Stone's lists of 100 favorites are always ridiculous. About every 5 years, they'll do a list of the best albums of all time. The Beatles are always #1 but the album they choose flip flops depending on the weather.
These lists are based on what's being talked about at the time. These critics meet a few people at a party, start talking about what's hot right now. Then all of the sudden, they're publishing a best of all time list based on those conversations.
I remember when the movie Almost Famous came out. Critics were raving over it because they could all relate to it. There's that scene where the main characters are on a bus and start singing Elton John's Tiny Dancer.
While I like the song, it was never a major hit (it didn't even crack Billboard's top 40 when it was released) and wasn't usually talked about as being one of John's major songs. Yet a few weeks after the movie was released, here was Rolling Stone publishing a list of the all-time greatest songs with Tiny Dancer being right up there.
Al - Alicia
An - Andrew
Jo - Joseph
Be - Benjamin